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SPI Slave, extra character

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:37 am
by john_bul
I am trying to link esp32 with stm32 by SPI.
Stm32 is a master, ESP32 is a slave.
I transfer from the master by 1 byte. On the slave accept. Since the transfer is small, I do not use DMA.
As an example, I used a SPI slave from the examples (example/esp-idf/examples/peripherals/spi_slave/receiver), slightly simplified.
Transmission occurs, but for some reason I see 2 extra bytes from the ESP side.
ESP32 code:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "driver/spi_slave.h"
#include "esp_spi_flash.h"

#define GPIO_MOSI 13
#define GPIO_MISO 12
#define GPIO_SCLK 14
#define GPIO_CS 15

uint8_t n=0;
uint8_t recvbuf=0;
QueueHandle_t spi_data;

void my_post_trans_cb(spi_slave_transaction_t *trans) {

void print_task(void *pvParameter)
    uint8_t data=0;
    while(1) {
        xQueueReceive(spi_data,(void *)&data,portMAX_DELAY);
        printf("Send (n): %d Received: %d\n", n, data);

//Main application
void app_main()
    spi_slave_transaction_t t;

    spi_bus_config_t buscfg={

    spi_slave_interface_config_t slvcfg={

    spi_slave_initialize(HSPI_HOST, &buscfg, &slvcfg, 0);
    xTaskCreate(&print_task, "print_task", 8*1024, NULL, 5, NULL);
    while(1) {
        spi_slave_transmit(HSPI_HOST, &t, portMAX_DELAY);
My changes: the queue parameter in the spi_slave_interface_config_t is 1, and the DMA parameter in spi_slave_initialize is zero.

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Send (n): 218 Received: 46
Send (n): 219 Received: 46
Send (n): 220 Received: 46
Send (n): 221 Received: 49
Send (n): 222 Received: 49
Send (n): 223 Received: 49
Send (n): 224 Received: 52
Send (n): 225 Received: 52
Send (n): 226 Received: 52
Stm32 simply sends a uint8_t value, increasing it each time by 3. It is a "Received" value at ESP32 side.
ESP32 send "n" value ("Send (n)" at output) as a reply, increasing it each time by 1 at spi_slave_transmit) call.
From the stm32 side, I can see the data that esp32 sends. This is only 1 byte out of 3.
For example (from the beginning of the output), stm32 sends a byte equal to 46, receives 218 in response. Then stm32 sends a byte equal to 49, receives 221 in response. Bytes with a value of 219 and 200 are only from the ESP32 side, they are not transmitted. Where do they come from? And how to do it right?