encryption still enabled after FLASH_CRYPT_CNT=0xff and ABS_DONE_X = 0
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:03 am
In our project we are planning to encrypt our firmware, but allow users to disable encryption and write their own.
Our planned installation procedure is as follows:
1) write custom bootloader to spi flash, that has only one purpose: write pregenerated key and enable encryption in fuses, set FLASH_CRYPT_CNT to 0x7f, but leave ABS_DONE_X bits 0x0
2) write encrypted bootloader, partition table and firmware to spi flash
everything works as expected, however after updating FLASH_CRYPT_CNT to 0xff, flash encryption is still enabled
In https://dl.espressif.com/doc/esp-idf/la ... -crypt-cnt it states that
while writing encrypted firmware works fine.
espefuse summary:
espefuse dump:
Thank You
In our project we are planning to encrypt our firmware, but allow users to disable encryption and write their own.
Our planned installation procedure is as follows:
1) write custom bootloader to spi flash, that has only one purpose: write pregenerated key and enable encryption in fuses, set FLASH_CRYPT_CNT to 0x7f, but leave ABS_DONE_X bits 0x0
2) write encrypted bootloader, partition table and firmware to spi flash
everything works as expected, however after updating FLASH_CRYPT_CNT to 0xff, flash encryption is still enabled
In https://dl.espressif.com/doc/esp-idf/la ... -crypt-cnt it states that
that would mean that flash encryption should be disabled, but writing unencrypted firmware in spi flash results in the following output:After all 8 bits are set (efuse value 0xFF): Transparent reading of encrypted flash is disabled, any encrypted data is permanently inaccessible. Bootloader will normally detect this condition and halt.
Code: Select all
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
�ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
espefuse summary:
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espefuse.py v2.6-beta1
EFUSE_NAME Description = [Meaningful Value] [Readable/Writeable] (Hex Value)
Security fuses:
FLASH_CRYPT_CNT Flash encryption mode counter = 255 R/W (0xff)
FLASH_CRYPT_CONFIG Flash encryption config (key tweak bits) = 15 R/W (0xf)
CONSOLE_DEBUG_DISABLE Disable ROM BASIC interpreter fallback = 1 R/W (0x1)
ABS_DONE_0 secure boot enabled for bootloader = 0 R/W (0x0)
ABS_DONE_1 secure boot abstract 1 locked = 0 R/W (0x0)
JTAG_DISABLE Disable JTAG = 1 R/W (0x1)
DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT Disable flash encryption in UART bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT Disable flash decryption in UART bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
DISABLE_DL_CACHE Disable flash cache in UART bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
BLK1 Flash encryption key
= ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? -/-
BLK2 Secure boot key
= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 R/W
BLK3 Variable Block 3
= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 R/W
Efuse fuses:
WR_DIS Efuse write disable mask = 128 R/W (0x80)
RD_DIS Efuse read disablemask = 1 R/W (0x1)
CODING_SCHEME Efuse variable block length scheme = 0 R/W (0x0)
KEY_STATUS Usage of efuse block 3 (reserved) = 0 R/W (0x0)
Config fuses:
XPD_SDIO_FORCE Ignore MTDI pin (GPIO12) for VDD_SDIO on reset = 0 R/W (0x0)
XPD_SDIO_REG If XPD_SDIO_FORCE, enable VDD_SDIO reg on reset = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK Override SD_CLK pad (GPIO6/SPICLK) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q Override SD_DATA_0 pad (GPIO7/SPIQ) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D Override SD_DATA_1 pad (GPIO8/SPID) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD Override SD_DATA_2 pad (GPIO9/SPIHD) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS0 Override SD_CMD pad (GPIO11/SPICS0) = 0 R/W (0x0)
DISABLE_SDIO_HOST Disable SDIO host = 0 R/W (0x0)
Identity fuses:
MAC MAC Address
= 30:ae:a4:2a:6f:d4 (CRC 51 OK) R/W
CHIP_VER_REV1 Silicon Revision 1 = 1 R/W (0x1)
CHIP_VERSION Reserved for future chip versions = 0 R/W (0x0)
CHIP_PACKAGE Chip package identifier = 0 R/W (0x0)
Calibration fuses:
BLK3_PART_RESERVE BLOCK3 partially served for ADC calibration data = 0 R/W (0x0)
ADC_VREF Voltage reference calibration = 1100 R/W (0x0)
Flash voltage (VDD_SDIO) determined by GPIO12 on reset (High for 1.8V, Low/NC for 3.3V).
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espefuse.py v2.6-beta1
EFUSE block 0:
0ff10080 a42a6fd4 005130ae 00008000 00000039 f0000000 000003c4
EFUSE block 1:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EFUSE block 2:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EFUSE block 3:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000