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Compiling program for ESP32 on command prompt

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:37 am
by Anjusha

I am getting the following error after giving make command for compiling a sample program

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/apmosys123/Projects/ESP32/esp-idf/tools/kconfig'
The following Python requirements are not satisfied:
Please run "/usr/bin/python2 -m pip install --user -r /home/apmosys123/Projects/ESP32/esp-idf/requirements.txt" for resolving the issue.
make: *** [check_python_dependencies] Error 1

I am not able to resolve this issue.Please help asap

Re: Compiling program for ESP32 on command prompt

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:04 pm
by gunar.kroeger
What is your OS? have you tried to run this command:
/usr/bin/python2 -m pip install --user -r /home/apmosys123/Projects/ESP32/esp-idf/requirements.txt
I had a problem on windows using this command and somewhere someone said that for windows the update should be done with packman instead of with pip. I don't know if they have fixed this yet

Re: Compiling program for ESP32 on command prompt

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:38 pm
by fly135
I set up a friend's win 10 laptop with the latest master IDF and had the same problem. Fixed it by going back to the v3.1 release. However there is at least one other thread on this forum addressing how to fix this problem.

John A

Re: Compiling program for ESP32 on command prompt

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:25 am
by Anjusha
gunar.kroeger wrote:What is your OS? have you tried to run this command:
/usr/bin/python2 -m pip install --user -r /home/apmosys123/Projects/ESP32/esp-idf/requirements.txt
I had a problem on windows using this command and somewhere someone said that for windows the update should be done with packman instead of with pip. I don't know if they have fixed this yet

I m working on Ubuntu 14.04 and have tried the command u mentioned but still m having the same error.

Re: Compiling program for ESP32 on command prompt

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:29 am
by Anjusha
My version for ESPIDF is 3.1 i.e the stable one and m working on Ubuntu14.04..i have tried the commands mentioned below ,which i researhed from my forums

/usr/bin/python2.7 -m pip install --user -r /home/apmosys123/Projects/ESP32/esp-idf/requirements.txt

sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools

But still there is same error. Cant resolve.
But after being wasted 2 days in dis issue I commented the cryptography in requirements.txt file like

And then compiled, and yes the program got compiled successfully and also got flashed on ESP32.
But still cant understnd the cryptography thing and will it be neccesary in future puropse.