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esp32 http server

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:13 am
by wanglemao
我基于例子http server开发了一个自定义的web server
W (42127) httpd: httpd_accept_conn: error in accept (23)
W (42127) httpd: httpd_server: error accepting new connection
W (42127) httpd: httpd_accept_conn: error in accept (23)
W (42137) httpd: httpd_server: error accepting new connection
W (42687) httpd: httpd_accept_conn: error in accept (23)
W (42687) httpd: httpd_server: error accepting new connection
W (42687) httpd: httpd_accept_conn: error in accept (23)
W (42687) httpd: httpd_server: error accepting new connection
I (44267) [WEB-HOME]: Request headers lost
I (44367) [LIB-JS]: Request headers lost
I (44387) [LIB-JS-TOOLS]: Request headers lost
I (44457) [LIB-CSS]: Request headers lost

Re: esp32 http server

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:59 pm
by gost.404
I had same issue and in my case this was due to the fact that I configure HTTP server max_open_sockets parameter = 12 while I had only 10 sockets in system