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Using esp_ping.h

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:17 am
by dieguito
Hello all.

I am sure this is very silly, but I am afraid I am stuck.

I am trying to ping a network device from a ESP32-WROOM32 module built into an Olimex ESP32-EVB board. Following the hints provided in this post, I am trying to include header files esp_ping.h and ping.h in my main .c file, but I always run into the same compilation error:

Code: Select all

CC build/main/ping.o
C:/msys32/home/dieguito/v3.1/ping/main/ping.c:15:22: fatal error: esp_ping.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
These header files seem to be located in the directory "$(IDF_PATH)/components/lwip/include/apps/ping", so I have tried including them with different portions of their relative paths, without success. I have also tried adding the directory to the project file, using a COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS := $(IDF_PATH)/components/lwip/include/apps/ping variable, but I am very new to ESP32 and ESP-IDF and I do not think I am doing it correctly, because the exact same problem persists in all my attempts.

Can anybody please explain to me how to use esp_ping.h and ping.h in my project, or at least point me to some documentation where I can learn how to properly configure my project?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Using esp_ping.h

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:33 pm
by ESP_igrr
Sorry, this is a regression in latest master. Will be fixed shortly.