I'm having trouble reading a file from SPIFFS. I have created an image with 2 files using mkspiffs tool. Successfully flashed it to the esp32 board memory, to the point where I can see in boot the total and used space (numbers which are correct with what i specified and the size of the 2 files).
For context, the program is a http server and I was trying to serve an image to a client. I was trying to: get file size; allocate memory to load the image to RAM (file_buf); fread the file into this buffer; send via one http message.
For some reason, the function fread is not reading any data, even though the file appears to open without problems and I get the correct file size. The code and the configuration I used are below. I have tried many different approaches, with different types of files. Variable bytes_read is always = 0 and file_buf has random data, if I keep requesting the file many times, eventually it will print part of the file along with some trash but the bytes_read variable always prints 0.
Partition table
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
nvs, data, nvs, , 0x4000,
otadata, data, ota, , 0x2000,
phy_init, data, phy, , 0x1000,
factory, app, factory, , 1M,
storage, data, spiffs, , 0x70000,
ota_0, app, ota_0, , 1M,
ota_1, app, ota_1, , 1M,
Commands I used to flash image
./mkspiffs -c files -b 4096 -p 256 -s 0x70000 spiffs.bin
esptool.py --chip esp32 --port COM6 --baud 115200 write_flash -z 0x110000 spiffs.bin
Code: Select all
esp_err_t file_get_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
FILE* file;
char *file_buf;
size_t bytes_read;
unsigned int file_size = 0;
char cont_len[8];
file = fopen("/spiffs/pois.txt", "r");
if(file != NULL) {
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
sprintf(cont_len, "%d", file_size);
ESP_LOGI("SPIFFS", "File open \"/spiffs/pois.txt\". File size: %d Bytes", file_size);
ESP_LOGI("SPIFFS", "content-length %s", cont_len);
file_buf = (char *)malloc(file_size);
if (file_buf == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE("SPIFFS", "Failed to allocate memory");
return ESP_FAIL;
bytes_read = fread(file_buf, sizeof(file_buf), 1, file);
ESP_LOGI("MESSAGE","%s", file_buf);
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/plain");
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Length", cont_len);
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Host", "ESP32");
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(httpd_resp_send(req, file_buf, sizeof(file_buf)));
ESP_LOGI("SPIFFS", "Data sent: %d Bytes", bytes_read);
} else {
ESP_LOGE("SPIFFS", "Failed to open file for sending");
return ESP_OK;
Thanks in advance!