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Issue with ESP32-C6 on zigbee and I2C component using light sleep

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:16 pm
by mycael
I'm a beginner in the ESP32 world and zigbee network and I encounter a problem when I want to use "light sleep" mode with the I2C interface.
I work with an ESP32-C6 and a SCD40 to measure the CO2 level in the air. It works in I2C. The information is sent over a Zigbee network. Everything works well.
But I want to use the "light sleep" mode because the module must be connected to the battery and that consumes a lot.
I was inspired by the "light sleep" example from the zigbee sdk content.
So I this is my app_main function:

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 esp_zb_platform_config_t config = {
 .radio_config = ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_RADIO_CONFIG(),
 .host_config = ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_HOST_CONFIG(),
 xTaskCreate(esp_zb_task, "Zigbee_main", 4096, NULL, 5, NULL);

In the function void esp_zb_app_signal_handler(esp_zb_app_signal_t ​​*signal_struct), I added :

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 ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Zigbee can sleep");
In the function static void esp_zb_task(void *pvParameters), I added :

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 /* initialize Zigbee stack */
 esp_zb_cfg_t zb_nwk_cfg = ESP_ZB_ZED_CONFIG();
I place the whole code in attachement.
The code compiles without errors but the I2C read function returns the Timeout error code. The first I2C command sent to the SCD40 works well but the following failed.
Any idea why this behaviour ?
Maybe the I2C communication is interrupted prematurely because of sleep or something like that ?
Thank you for your help !