Switching between Ethernet and Wifi without reboot

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Switching between Ethernet and Wifi without reboot

Postby levente » Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:37 pm

Looking at IDF v5.2.1 and beyond: with the rearchitected Netif component and the sequence of creating an Ethernet or a Wifi stack, was wondering based on documentation and examples (which only create one or other type of network stack):

Is there now a way to demolish e.g. Ethernet-based Netif instance and switch to (create and use) a Wifi stack without complete reboot and starting from scratch with another type of network? In old IDF versions there was no real possibility to do this (from memory, some tried and had memory leaks and heavier issues).

Although there are new/destroy, init/deinit pairs of netif APIs, many others (attaching driver etc.) don't seem to have counterparts to demolish cleanly, with no memory leaks etc. the stack. Footnote is that IDF5.2.x documentation makes remark about deinit not being supported yet - therefore, probably not possible to cleanly demolish things?

So whilst we could try it, the fact that no examples exist and couldn't find explicit mentions of this makes me wonder - hence any tips hugely appreciated, thank you.

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