ESP32 JTAG Debugging

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Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:17 pm

ESP32 JTAG Debugging

Postby kilobyte_ch » Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:24 am


I'm currently trying to get my ESP32 WROOM on the Devkit connected with an FT2232H FTDI Adapter. I hooked up the 4 JTAG Lines. No Reset. When I try to flash the binary via JTAG I get the following Error. Is this a common fault?

I already tried lowering the Speed from 20M to 5M.

Code: Select all

$ sudo bin/openocd -s share/openocd/scripts -f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f board/esp-wroom-32.cfg -c "program_esp32 ../rainbow_esp32/build/app-template.bin 0x10000 verify exit"
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-ga859564 (2017-07-24-16:16)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
none separate
adapter speed: 5000 kHz
force hard breakpoints
Info : clock speed 5000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : esp32: Debug controller was reset (pwrstat=0x40, after clear 0x40).
Info : esp32: Core was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x400067E7 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x00000000 
esp32: target state: halted
Info : esp32: Debug controller was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : esp32: Core was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x5000004B (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x00000000 
esp32: target state: halted
Info : esp32: Core was reset (pwrstat=0x1F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x40000400 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x00000000 
esp32: target state: halted
** Programming Started **
auto erase enabled
Info : Use core0 of target 'esp32'
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x40091CF8 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x00000000 
Info : Auto-detected flash size 3408150 KB
Info : Using flash size 3408150 KB
Info : Use core0 of target 'esp32'
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x40091CF8 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x00000000 
Error: Failed to erase flash (3)!
Error: failed erasing sectors 16 to 129
** Programming Failed **
shutdown command invoked

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:01 am

Re: ESP32 JTAG Debugging

Postby supamas » Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:03 am

I've got two ideas. One is the clock speed. Try slowing it down? The other thought, do you know if the memory is being write protected or not? It looks like everything went fine until it had to go control the flash.

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