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bug in api esp_ble_mesh_start_ble_scanning?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 3:52 am
by qiuyonggang
We developed our program used IDF5.0,we try to let ble mesh node to scan BLE advertising packets.So we followed the advice in " ... is-enabled" ,codes like this:
esp_err_t status;
if ((status = esp_ble_mesh_register_ble_callback(esp_ble_mesh_ble_cb)) != ESP_OK) {

These codes worked,but we found ESP_BLE_MESH_SCAN_BLE_ADVERTISING_PKT_EVT just can be recieved about every 30s.We changed mesh_ble_scan_params's duration,but it had no effect.
Our question is how to set the interval of scan?
Thanks very much.