I have an application that will periodically (every minute) perform a ping to:, google.com, and whatever the local gateway is.
After some (inconsistent) amount of time the ping requests will all fail.
There will have been no disconnect event from the router, and no wifi logs (at INFO log level).
UDP packets are still being correctly sent from the device.
Eventually, a wifi disconnect event will be received and the application will reconnect to wifi, at which point the pinging will begin to work correctly again.
will also fix the issue (until it occurs again)
Any ideas what could be causing this?
WiFi stops working until esp_wifi_stop/start called
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:13 pm
Re: WiFi stops working until esp_wifi_stop/start called
Is the device located far from the access point? Is there any obstacle blocking the signal? Weak Wi-Fi signal strength can lead to intermittent connectivity issues.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:13 pm
Re: WiFi stops working until esp_wifi_stop/start called
I don't think it is a distance issue, the device is not far from the router, and it is too consistent in that once it stops failing, all requests will fail until it a disconnect and reconnect is performed.
Here is some logs:
Successfully performing 3 pings:
1) google.com after doing getaddrinfo
2) the current default gateway
This will continue with 100% success rate and stop working abruptly at which point all requests will begin to fail:
All pings will continue to fail until performing
Once the device reconnects, pings will resume working:
Here is some logs:
Code: Select all
I (113) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c080020 sizeESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327
Build:Mar 27 2021
Saved PC:0x4206e1ea
mode:DIO, clock div:1
0x4206e1ea: esp_pm_impl_waiti at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_pm/pm_impl.c:849
entry 0x403c9940
I (24) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4.6-150-g2bab3b36bc-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (24) boot: compile time 18:35:10
I (25) boot: Multicore bootloader
I (25) boot: chip revision: v0.2
I (28) boot.esp32s3: Boot SPI Speed : 80MHz
I (32) boot.esp32s3: SPI Mode : DIO
I (36) boot.esp32s3: SPI Flash Size : 8MB
I (40) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (44) boot: Partition Table:
I (47) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (53) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00004000
I (60) boot: 1 otadata OTA data 01 00 0000d000 00002000
I (66) boot: 2 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (73) boot: 3 ota_0 OTA app 00 10 00010000 00200000
I (79) boot: 4 ota_1 OTA app 00 11 00210000 00200000
I (86) boot: 5 factory_nvs WiFi data 01 02 00410000 00004000
I (92) boot: 6 nvs_keys NVS keys 01 04 00414000 00001000
I (99) boot: 7 storage Unknown data 01 82 00415000 00300000
I (105) boot: End of partition table
I (109) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c080020 size=1763ch ( 95804) map
I (133) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00027664 vaddr=3fc941a0 size=03f48h ( 16200) load
I (137) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0002b5b4 vaddr=40374000 size=04a64h ( 19044) load
I (142) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00030020 vaddr=42000020 size=7231ch (467740) map
I (229) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=000a2344 vaddr=40378a64 size=0b73ch ( 46908) load
I (246) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (246) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (246) cpu_start: Multicore app
D (248) flash HPM: HPM with dummy, status is 3
I (251) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (254) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40374ec4
0x40374ec4: call_start_cpu1 at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:151
I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
D (260) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA3_REG is used 3 bits starting with 24 bit
D (260) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK2__DATA4_REG is used 2 bits starting with 0 bit
D (261) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 7 bits starting with 20 bit
D (262) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA5_REG is used 8 bits starting with 3 bit
D (263) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA5_REG is used 5 bits starting with 11 bit
D (264) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 7 bits starting with 13 bit
D (266) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 7 bits starting with 20 bit
D (268) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 5 bits starting with 27 bit
D (270) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA5_REG is used 3 bits starting with 0 bit
D (272) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA5_REG is used 8 bits starting with 3 bit
D (274) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 7 bits starting with 13 bit
D (276) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 7 bits starting with 20 bit
D (278) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA4_REG is used 5 bits starting with 27 bit
D (279) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA5_REG is used 3 bits starting with 0 bit
D (280) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA5_REG is used 8 bits starting with 3 bit
D (290) clk: RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration value: 3563789
I (291) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (291) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000
I (292) cpu_start: Application information:
I (294) cpu_start: Project name: swidget
I (296) cpu_start: App version: 1
I (298) cpu_start: Compile time: Mar 21 2024 18:35:07
I (300) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: a53d9319e6f3ca59...
I (302) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v4.4.6-150-g2bab3b36bc-dirty
I (306) cpu_start: Min chip rev: v0.0
I (306) cpu_start: Max chip rev: v0.99
I (308) cpu_start: Chip rev: v0.2
V (310) memory_layout: reserved range is 0x3c09763c - 0x3c09765c
D (314) memory_layout: Checking 5 reserved memory ranges:
D (314) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3fc84000 - 0x3fc941a0
D (316) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3fc941a0 - 0x3fc9cd10
D (318) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3fceee34 - 0x3fcf0000
D (320) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x40374000 - 0x403841a0
0x40374000: _WindowOverflow4 at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1739
D (322) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x600fe000 - 0x600fe000
D (323) memory_layout: Building list of available memory regions:
V (325) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x40374000 - 0x40378000
0x40374000: _WindowOverflow4 at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1739
0x40378000: esp_flash_read at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/spi_flash/esp_flash_api.c:863
V (326) memory_layout: Region 0x40374000 - 0x40378000 inside of reserved 0x40374000 - 0x403841a0
0x40374000: _WindowOverflow4 at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1739
0x40378000: esp_flash_read at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/spi_flash/esp_flash_api.c:863
0x40374000: _WindowOverflow4 at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1739
V (328) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fc88000 - 0x3fc90000
V (330) memory_layout: Region 0x3fc88000 - 0x3fc90000 inside of reserved 0x3fc84000 - 0x3fc941a0
V (332) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fc90000 - 0x3fca0000
V (334) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3fc90000 - 0x3fca0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fc84000 - 0x3fc941a0
V (336) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3fc941a0 - 0x3fca0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fc941a0 - 0x3fc9cd10
D (338) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fc9cd10 - 0x3fca0000
V (340) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fca0000 - 0x3fcb0000
D (342) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fca0000 - 0x3fcb0000
V (344) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcb0000 - 0x3fcc0000
D (345) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcb0000 - 0x3fcc0000
V (347) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcc0000 - 0x3fcd0000
D (349) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcc0000 - 0x3fcd0000
V (351) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcd0000 - 0x3fce0000
D (353) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcd0000 - 0x3fce0000
V (355) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fce0000 - 0x3fce9710
D (357) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fce0000 - 0x3fce9710
V (358) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fcf0000
V (360) memory_layout: End of region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fcf0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fceee34 - 0x3fcf0000
D (362) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fceee34
V (364) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcf0000 - 0x3fcf8000
D (366) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcf0000 - 0x3fcf8000
V (368) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x600fe000 - 0x60100000
D (370) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x600fe000 - 0x60100000
I (372) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
D (374) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fc9cd10
I (374) heap_init: At 3FC9CD10 len 0004CA00 (306 KiB): D/IRAM
I (375) heap_init: At 3FCE9710 len 00005724 (21 KiB): STACK/DIRAM
D (379) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fcf0000
I (379) heap_init: At 3FCF0000 len 00008000 (32 KiB): DRAM
D (381) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x600fe000
I (383) heap_init: At 600FE000 len 00002000 (8 KiB): RTCRAM
V (386) memspi: raw_chip_id: 1740C8
V (389) memspi: chip_id: C84017
V (392) memspi: raw_chip_id: 1740C8
V (396) memspi: chip_id: C84017
D (401) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42066da4
0x42066da4: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN9__gnu_cxx9__freeresEv at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/xtensa-esp32s3-elf/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_alloc.cc:348
D (402) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42066b54
0x42066b54: _GLOBAL__sub_I___cxa_get_globals_fast at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/xtensa-esp32s3-elf/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_globals.cc:145
D (404) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42018100
0x42018100: s_set_default_wifi_log_level at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_init.c:63
D (406) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42014ee8
0x42014ee8: esp_reset_reason_init at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/soc/esp32s3/reset_reason.c:67
D (408) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42011434
0x42011434: esp_ipc_init at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_ipc/src/esp_ipc.c:105
D (410) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42010c18
0x42010c18: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN11TimerEvents6eventsE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/src/utils/timerEvent.cpp:28
D (412) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42010a14
0x42010a14: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN6Logger18binaryLogFileMutexE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/src/common/logger/logger.cpp:240
D (414) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4200f50c
0x4200f50c: _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z9dns_startv at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/utils/protocol/dns/dns.cpp:137
D (416) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4200f024
0x4200f024: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN14WiFiController6deviceE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:773
D (418) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4200e128
0x4200e128: _GLOBAL__sub_I_mqtt2 at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/main.cpp:379
D (420) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4200a810
0x4200a810: __esp_stack_guard_setup at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_system/stack_check.c:28
D (422) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42009d2c
0x42009d2c: esp_ota_init_app_elf_sha256 at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/app_update/esp_app_desc.c:68
D (424) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42008570
0x42008570: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3SCP19SCP_DB_TOGGLE_STATEE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/devices/swidgetV1/src/scp/v1/daughterboard/functions/toggle.cpp:36
D (426) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42006a14
0x42006a14: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3SCP5Trend8populateEffff at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/devices/swidgetV1/src/scp/v1/daughterboard/functions/core.cpp:32
D (428) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42005b70
0x42005b70: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3SCP39DbFunctionControllableLedProcessRequestEP10JSONObjectPNS_32DbFunctionControllableLedRequestE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/devices/swidgetV1/src/scp/v1/daughterboard/functions/controllable_led.cpp:33
D (430) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42004ab0
0x42004ab0: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3SCP21DbFunctionBuzzerState9dutyRangeE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/devices/swidgetV1/src/scp/v1/daughterboard/functions/buzzer.cpp:66
D (432) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42003a0c
0x42003a0c: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3SCP30SCP_DAUGHTERBOARD_DESCRIPTIONSE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/devices/swidgetV1/src/scp/v1/daughterboard/daughterboard.cpp:25
D (434) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42002694
0x42002694: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3SDD22dbComponentListMappingE at /build/swidget_esp32/src/libraries/swidgetsdk/devices/swidgetV1/src/sdd/v1/daughterboard/daughterboard.cpp:20
V (437) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (439) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xC02
D (441) intr_alloc: Connected src 59 to int 2 (cpu 0)
I (441) sleep: Configure to isolate all GPIO pins in sleep state
I (445) sleep: Enable automatic switching of GPIO sleep configuration
V (447) esp_dbg_stubs: esp_dbg_stubs_ll_init stubs 3fc989f4
I (447) coexist: coexist rom version e7ae62f
V (449) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (453) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (455) intr_alloc: Connected src 79 to int 3 (cpu 0)
I (455) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
V (457) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (457) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x402
D (457) intr_alloc: Connected src 57 to int 9 (cpu 0)
V (457) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): checking args
V (461) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (463) intr_alloc: Connected src 80 to int 2 (cpu 1)
I (463) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
V (465) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): checking args
V (467) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x402
D (469) intr_alloc: Connected src 58 to int 3 (cpu 1)
D (470) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fce9710
Minimum App [PING]
D (473) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA0_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (477) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA1_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (478) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA2_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (480) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA3_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (482) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA4_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (484) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA5_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (486) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA6_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (488) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK3__DATA7_REG is used 32 bits starting with 0 bit
D (496) partition: Loading the partition table
V (498) calculated md5: 0x3fcf48a4 ff 99 7b 14 fb 64 1a 3f 21 eb 39 d6 b2 3e d1 a6 |..{..d.?!.9..>..|
V (502) stored md5: 0x3c0a8110 ff 99 7b 14 fb 64 1a 3f 21 eb 39 d6 b2 3e d1 a6 |..{..d.?!.9..>..|
D (503) partition: Partition table MD5 verified
D (536) lwip: netif: netmask of interface set to
D (536) lwip: netif: GW address of interface set to
D (539) lwip: netif_set_ipaddr: netif address being changed
D (543) lwip: netif: added interface lo IP
D (545) lwip: addr
D (547) lwip:
D (549) lwip: netmask
D (551) lwip:
D (553) lwip: gw
D (555) lwip:
D (557) lwip:
D (561) esp_netif_lwip3: LwIP stack has been initialized
D (563) esp_netif_lwip3: esp-netif has been successfully initialized
D (566) event: running task for loop 0x3fceb68c
D (566) event: created task for loop 0x3fceb68c
D (568) event: created event loop 0x3fceb68c
D (570) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_add_to_list 0x3fcec880
D (572) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_add_to_list netif added successfully (total netifs: 1)
D (576) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_add_to_list 0x3fcecc54
D (576) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_add_to_list netif added successfully (total netifs: 2)
I (580) pp: pp rom version: e7ae62f
I (580) net80211: net80211 rom version: e7ae62f
D (581) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition misc 1
I (584) wifi:wifi driver task: 3fcedab0, prio:23, stack:6144, core=0
V (587) esp_adapter: thread sem create: sem=0x3fcedc18
V (587) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
I (589) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (591) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
D (593) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (597) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (599) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit
D (601) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit
D (603) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (605) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (607) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition nvs.net80211 1
D (607) nvs: nvs_get opmode 1
D (609) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob sta.ssid
D (611) nvs: nvs_get sta.authmode 1
D (612) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob sta.pswd
D (615) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob sta.pmk
D (616) nvs: nvs_get sta.chan 1
D (619) nvs: nvs_get auto.conn 1
D (620) nvs: nvs_get bssid.set 1
D (621) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob sta.bssid
D (623) nvs: nvs_get sta.lis_intval 2
D (625) nvs: nvs_get sta.phym 1
D (627) nvs: nvs_get sta.phybw 1
D (629) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob sta.apsw
D (632) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob sta.apinfo
D (636) nvs: nvs_get sta.scan_method 1
D (636) nvs: nvs_get sta.sort_method 1
D (637) nvs: nvs_get sta.minrssi 1
D (639) nvs: nvs_get sta.minauth 1
D (641) nvs: nvs_get sta.pmf_e 1
D (642) nvs: nvs_get sta.pmf_r 1
D (644) nvs: nvs_get sta.btm_e 1
D (646) nvs: nvs_get sta.rrm_e 1
D (648) nvs: nvs_get sta.mbo_e 1
D (650) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob ap.ssid
D (652) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob ap.passwd
D (654) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob ap.pmk
D (654) nvs: nvs_get ap.chan 1
D (656) nvs: nvs_get ap.authmode 1
D (658) nvs: nvs_get ap.hidden 1
D (660) nvs: nvs_get ap.max.conn 1
D (662) nvs: nvs_get bcn.interval 2
D (664) nvs: nvs_get ap.phym 1
D (666) nvs: nvs_get ap.phybw 1
D (668) nvs: nvs_get ap.sndchan 1
D (669) nvs: nvs_get ap.pmf_e 1
D (671) nvs: nvs_get ap.pmf_r 1
D (673) nvs: nvs_get ap.p_cipher 1
D (675) nvs: nvs_get lorate 1
D (677) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob country
D (679) nvs: nvs_get ap.ftm_r 1
D (681) nvs: nvs_get sta.trans_d 1
D (683) nvs: nvs_get sta.sae_h2e 1
D (685) nvs: nvs_get sta.bss_retry 1
D (687) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob ap.pmk_info
D (690) nvs: nvs_set ap.sndchan 1 1
I (691) wifi:wifi firmware version: 9674e40
I (692) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (694) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (696) wifi:config nano formating: enabled
I (698) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (700) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (702) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (704) wifi:Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
I (706) wifi:Init static tx FG buffer num: 2
I (708) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (710) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 10
I (712) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
V (714) wifi:hint=255, act_dur=<0,120>, pas_dur=360, nchans=14 history_num=0
V (718) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
I (718) wifi_init: rx ba win: 6
I (719) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (721) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6
I (723) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6
I (725) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744
I (727) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744
I (729) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (731) wifi_init: WiFi IRAM OP enabled
I (733) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled
I (735) wifi_init: WiFi SLP IRAM OP enabled
V (737) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
I (739) wifi:Set ps type: 1
V (743) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (745) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcecc54 fn=0x4201593c
0x4201593c: esp_netif_dhcps_stop_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1163
D (749) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcps_stop_api esp_netif:0x3fcecc54
D (753) esp_netif_lwip3: dhcp server stop successfully
D (753) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (755) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcecc54 fn=0x42015d94
0x42015d94: esp_netif_set_ip_info_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1397
D (758) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_set_ip_info_api esp_netif:0x3fcecc54
D (761) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (762) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcecc54
D (765) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcecc54 fn=0x42015740
0x42015740: esp_netif_dhcps_start_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1126
D (767) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcps_start_api esp_netif:0x3fcecc54
D (771) esp_netif_lwip3: dhcp server re init
D (771) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
V (773) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (775) nvs: nvs_get opmode 1
V (777) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
I (779) phy_init: phy_version 620,ec7ec30,Sep 5 2023,13:49:13
D (781) phy_init: loading PHY init data from application binary
D (783) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition phy 0
D (785) nvs: nvs_get cal_version 4
V (787) phy_init: phy_get_rf_cal_version: 620
D (790) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob cal_mac
D (792) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (795) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (797) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit
D (799) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit
D (801) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (803) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (805) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob cal_data
D (813) nvs: nvs_close 3
D (814) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (814) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (815) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit
D (817) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit
D (819) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (821) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (838) temperature_sensor: range changed, change to index 2
V (853) wifi:ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
D (854) wifi:filter: set rx policy=0
I (854) wifi:mode : sta (dc:54:75:d8:6c:28)
I (854) wifi:enable tsf
D (855) wifi:filter: set rx policy=1
D (857) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0
D (859) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:2 with handler 0x420184b8 and context 0x3fcecb00 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x420184b8: wifi_default_action_sta_start at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:67
D (863) wifi_init_default: wifi_start esp-netif:0x3fcec880 event-id2
D (865) wifi_init_default: WIFI mac address: dc 54 75 d8 6c 28
V (865) esp_adapter: thread sem create: sem=0x3fca1b60
V (867) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fca1b60
D (867) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action has started with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=2
D (870) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x4201609c
0x4201609c: esp_netif_start_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:700
D (872) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_start_api 0x3fcec880
V (872) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (874) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_hostname esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (880) lwip: netif: added interface st IP
D (880) lwip: addr
D (882) lwip:
D (884) lwip: netmask
D (886) lwip:
D (888) lwip: gw
D (890) lwip:
D (892) lwip:
D (896) esp_netif_lwip3: check: local, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x420169ac
0x420169ac: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:188
D (900) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcec880
V (903) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (905) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (906) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:2 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fceda50 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
D (908) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015ce0
0x42015ce0: esp_netif_set_hostname_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1194
D (910) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_set_hostname_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880 hostname Swidget-MINIMAL
D (910) wifi:D (914) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
Start wifi connect
D (916) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0
D (918) wifi:connect chan=0
D (920) wifi:first chan=8
D (922) wifi:connect status 0 -> 1
D (924) wifi:filter: set rx policy=3
D (926) wifi:clear scan ap list
D (928) wifi:start scan: type=0x50f, priority=2, cb=0x4204b908, arg=0, ss_state=0x1, time=933158, index=0
0x4204b908: cnx_start_handoff_cb at ??:?
V (932) wifi:inter_channel_timeout: arg=0, ss_state=0x1
D (932) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<8,0>, dur<0,120>
V (933) wifi:change: chan<8,0>, dur<0,120>
V (935) wifi:ht20 freq=2447, chan=8
V (935) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fc9acad
V (937) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<8,0>, arg=0x3fc9acad, status=0
V (940) wifi:scan specific ssid=Swidget
V (941) wifi:start max timer
D (946) wifi:rsn valid: gcipher=1 ucipher=3 akm=5
V (946) wifi:updated connection retries to 0
D (949) wifi:profile match: ss_state=0x7
V (949) wifi:scan histroy table is not full yet, add
V (951) wifi:add ssid=Swidget, chan=8 to scan history
D (953) wifi:scan end: arg=0, status=0, ss_state=0x7
D (955) wifi:find first mathched ssid, scan done
V (957) wifi:back home chan=<1,0>, current chan=<8,0>
V (959) wifi:ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
D (961) wifi:filter: set rx policy=4
D (963) wifi:first chan=1
V (965) wifi:scan_done: arg=0, status=0, cur_time=970147, scan_id=128, scan state=0
V (969) wifi:call scan_done cb, arg=0
D (969) wifi:handoff_cb: status=0
V (971) wifi:best bss has set.
D (973) wifi:ap found, mac=00:26:5a:cc:71:13
V (975) wifi:bssid=00:26:5a:cc:71:13, LR=0
D (976) wifi:new_bss=0x3fc9af58, cur_bss=0, new_chan=<8,0>, cur_chan=1
D (980) wifi:filter: set rx policy=5
I (981) wifi:new:<8,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<8,0>, prof:1
V (984) wifi:ht20 freq=2447, chan=8
D (985) wifi:connect_op: status=0, auth=5, cipher=3
D (987) wifi:auth mode is not none
D (988) wifi:connect_bss: auth=1, reconnect=0
I (990) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
D (992) wifi:start 1s AUTH timer
D (994) wifi:clear scan ap list
D (997) wifi:recv auth: seq=2, status=0
I (997) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
D (999) wifi:restart connect 1s timer for assoc
D (1003) wifi:recv assoc: type=0x10
D (1003) wifi:filter: set rx policy=6
I (1004) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
D (1006) wifi:start 10s connect timer for 4 way handshake
V (1008) wifi:wpa_psk start
V (1011) wifi:wpa_psk handle succeed
V (1016) wifi:wpa_psk start
D (1017) gdma: new group (0) at 0x3fca1ddc
D (1017) gdma: new pair (0,0) at 0x3fca1c50
D (1017) gdma: new tx channel (0,0) at 0x3fca1dac
D (1019) gdma: new rx channel (0,0) at 0x3fca1e20
D (1021) gdma: tx channel (0,0), (1:16) bytes aligned, burst enabled
D (1025) gdma: rx channel (0,0), (1:16) bytes aligned, burst disabled
V (1030) wifi:wpa_psk handle succeed
I (1031) wifi:connected with Swidget, aid = 1, channel 8, BW20, bssid = 00:26:5a:cc:71:13
I (1031) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -58
D (1031) wifi:remove all except 00:26:5a:cc:71:13 from rc list
D (1033) wifi:clear blacklist
D (1035) nvs: nvs_set sta.chan 1 8
D (1036) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.apinfo 700
D (1040) wifi:filter: set rx policy=7
I (1040) wifi:pm start, type: 1
I (1043) wifi:set rx beacon pti, rx_bcn_pti: 14, bcn_timeout: 14, mt_pti: 25000, mt_time: 10000
D (1047) wifi:Send sta connected event
D (1047) wifi:connect status 1 -> 5
D (1049) wifi:obss scan is disabled
D (1050) wifi:start obss scan: obss scan is stopped
I (1053) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1
D (1057) wifi:set max rate: from <rate=130, phy=3, sig=0> to <rate=144, phy=3 sig=0>
D (1058) wifi:sig_b=0, sig_g=0, sig_n=0, max_b=22, max_g=108, max_n=144
D (1060) wifi:update trc
D (1061) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:4 with handler 0x42018540 and context 0x3fcecb60 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x42018540: wifi_default_action_sta_connected at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:81
V (1063) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fca1b60
D (1064) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action connected with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=4
D (1066) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015d50
0x42015d50: esp_netif_up_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1256
D (1068) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_up_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1071) esp_netif_lwip3: check: local, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x420169ac
0x420169ac: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:188
D (1073) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcec880
V (1077) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1080) lwip: netif: setting default interface st
D (1081) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (1083) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015a80
0x42015a80: esp_netif_dhcpc_start_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1049
D (1086) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcpc_start_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1089) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_start_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1091) esp_netif_lwip3: if0x3fcec880 start ip lost tmr: no need start because netif=0x3fcec900 interval=120 ip=0
D (1093) esp_netif_lwip3: starting dhcp client
D (1094) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (1095) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:4 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fceda50 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
D (1112) lwip: netif: netmask of interface st set to
D (1112) lwip: netif: GW address of interface st set to
D (1116) lwip: netif_set_ipaddr: netif address being changed
D (1120) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcpc_cb lwip-netif:0x3fcec900
D (1123) esp_netif_lwip3: if0x3fcec880 ip changed=1
D (1124) event: running post IP_EVENT:0 with handler 0x420184e8 and context 0x3fcecc34 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x420184e8: wifi_default_action_sta_got_ip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:123
D (1127) wifi_init_default: Got IP wifi default handler entered
D (1128) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action got_ip with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=0
I (1130) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
D (1132) event: running post IP_EVENT:0 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fcf1f30 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
D (1134) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1136) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015f6c
0x42015f6c: esp_netif_set_dns_info_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1457
D (1138) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_set_dns_info_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1142) esp_netif_lwip3: set dns if=0x3fcec880 type=2 dns=8080808
D (1144) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
[1149] Got IP:
1) google.com after doing getaddrinfo
2) the current default gateway
Code: Select all
V (59616) wifi:sta recv dup seq=288 tid=0, discard
D (60068) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (60068) lwip: 48
D (60069) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (60072) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (60073) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (60075) lwip:
D (60075) lwip: port=0
D (60078) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (60079) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (60085) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (60085) lwip: 49
D (60086) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(49, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (60089) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(49, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (60092) lwip: lwip_sendto(49, data=0x3fca3910, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
V (60092) wifi:sta recv dup seq=480 tid=0, discard
D (60095) lwip:
D (60095) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca4298
D (60096) lwip: port=0
D (60100) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (60105) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(48): addr=
D (60107) lwip:
D (60109) lwip: port=1 len=64
D (60102) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(49, 0x3fca35fc, 64, 0x0, ..)
[PING] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=116 time=34 ms
D (60116) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (60122) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca41f8
D (60102) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (60126) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (60131) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(49): addr=
D (60133) lwip:
D (60135) lwip: port=1 len=64
D (60138) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(49, 0x3fca35fc, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (60142) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (60146) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca3be4
D (60149) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (60152) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(49): addr=
D (60154) lwip:
D (60155) lwip: port=1 len=64
[PING] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=115 time=55 ms
D (60160) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (60160) lwip: 50
D (60164) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(50, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (60168) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(50, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (60171) lwip: lwip_sendto(50, data=0x3fca4618, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (60173) lwip:
D (60173) lwip: port=0
D (60178) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(50, 0x3fca42fc, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (60181) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (60195) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca4f84
D (60195) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (60197) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(50): addr=
D (60199) lwip:
D (60201) lwip: port=1 len=64
[PING] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=26 ms
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, time 34ms
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, time 55ms
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, time 26ms
D (62073) lwip: lwip_close(48)
D (62092) lwip: lwip_close(49)
D (62171) lwip: lwip_close(50)
Code: Select all
D (782707) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (782707) lwip: 48
D (782708) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (782721) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (782723) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (782725) lwip:
D (782725) lwip: port=0
D (782728) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (782728) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (782729) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (782732) lwip: 49
D (782734) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(49, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (782737) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(49, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (782741) lwip: lwip_sendto(49, data=0x3fca3ac4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (782745) lwip:
D (782745) lwip: port=0
D (782750) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(49, 0x3fca374c, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (782753) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (782757) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (782761) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (782761) lwip: 50
D (782764) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(50, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (782768) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(50, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (782771) lwip: lwip_sendto(50, data=0x3fca45d0, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (782775) lwip:
D (782775) lwip: port=0
D (782779) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(50, 0x3fca42bc, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (782781) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (783732) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (783732) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1010ms
D (783757) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (783757) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](49): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1008ms
D (783785) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (783785) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](50): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1008ms
D (784741) lwip: lwip_close(48)
D (784761) lwip: lwip_close(49)
D (784789) lwip: lwip_close(50)
D (842877) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (842877) lwip: 48
D (842878) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (842889) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (842891) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (842892) lwip:
D (842892) lwip: port=0
D (842895) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (842896) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (843899) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (843899) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1019ms
D (844918) lwip: lwip_close(48)
[PING] getaddrinfo on www.google.com failed (202)
D (863896) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (863897) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (863897) lwip: 48
D (863914) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (863916) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (863918) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (863919) lwip:
D (863919) lwip: port=0
D (863923) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (863926) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (864930) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (864930) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1021ms
D (865947) lwip: lwip_close(48)
D (924023) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (924023) lwip: 48
D (924024) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (924043) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (924046) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (924050) lwip:
D (924050) lwip: port=0
D (924053) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (924056) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (925060) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (925060) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1021ms
D (926077) lwip: lwip_close(48)
[PING] getaddrinfo on www.google.com failed (202)
D (945047) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (945048) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (945048) lwip: 48
D (945060) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (945062) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (945064) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (945066) lwip:
D (945066) lwip: port=0
D (945069) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (945070) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (946074) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (946074) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1020ms
D (947092) lwip: lwip_close(48)
D (1005169) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (1005169) lwip: 48
D (1005170) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (1005177) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (1005179) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca21a4, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (1005181) lwip:
D (1005181) lwip: port=0
D (1005184) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (1005185) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (1006187) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (1006187) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1017ms
D (1007204) lwip: lwip_close(48)
[PING] getaddrinfo on www.google.com failed (202)
Code: Select all
esp_wifi_stop(); // might not need
esp_wifi_start(); // might not need
Code: Select all
Restart WiFi Driver
D (1026216) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
V (1026222) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (1026224) wifi:Start wifi disconnect
I (1026226) wifi:state: run -> init (0)
D (1026228) wifi:connect status 5 -> 6
D (1026229) wifi:stop beacon/connect timer, send diassoc(8)
D (1026231) wifi:sta leave
I (1026233) wifi:pm stop, total sleep time: lu us / lu us
D (1026236) wifi:stop CSA timer
I (1026238) wifi:<ba-del>idx
V (1026240) wifi:bss connection retry cnt=0
D (1026242) wifi:remove 00:26:5a:cc:71:13 from rc list
I (1026243) wifi:new:<8,0>, old:<8,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<8,0>, prof:1
D (1026246) wifi:filter: set rx policy=8
D (1026246) wifi:Send disconnect event, reason=8, AP number=0
D (1026248) wifi:connect status 6 -> 0
D (1026249) wifi:filter: set rx policy=8
D (1026251) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:5 with handler 0x420184d0 and context 0x3fcecb90 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x420184d0: wifi_default_action_sta_disconnected at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:100
D (1026254) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action disconnected with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=5
D (1026256) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015ecc
0x42015ecc: esp_netif_down_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1279
D (1026258) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_down_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026263) lwip: netif_set_ipaddr: netif address being changed
D (1026264) lwip: netif: netmask of interface st set to
D (1026268) lwip: netif: GW address of interface st set to
D (1026272) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcpc_cb lwip-netif:0x3fcec900
D (1026276) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_start_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026278) esp_netif_lwip3: if0x3fcec880 start ip lost tmr: interval=120
D (1026280) lwip: netif: IPv6 address 0 of interface st set to ::/0x0hx
D (1026282) lwip: netif: IPv6 address 0 of interface st set to ::/0x0hx
D (1026285) lwip: netif: IPv6 address 1 of interface st set to ::/0x0hx
D (1026289) lwip: netif: IPv6 address 1 of interface st set to ::/0x0hx
D (1026293) lwip: netif: IPv6 address 2 of interface st set to ::/0x0hx
D (1026297) lwip: netif: IPv6 address 2 of interface st set to ::/0x0hx
D (1026301) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_start_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026304) esp_netif_lwip3: if0x3fcec880 start ip lost tmr: already started
D (1026306) esp_netif_lwip3: check: local, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x420169ac
0x420169ac: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:188
D (1026308) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcec880
V (1026312) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0
V (1026312) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcecc54
V (1026316) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0x3fcecc54
V (1026318) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcec880
V (1026320) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0x3fcec880
D (1026321) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (1026323) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:5 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fceda50 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
Wifi disconnected, reason: 8
V (1026358) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (1026358) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0
D (1026358) wifi:Start wifi disconnect
D (1026358) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0
D (1026360) wifi:filter: set rx policy=8
D (1026362) wifi:filter: set rx policy=2
D (1026364) wifi:clear scan ap list
D (1026366) wifi:clear blacklist
D (1026368) wifi:clear rc list
D (1026370) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:3 with handler 0x4201838c and context 0x3fcecb30 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4201838c: wifi_default_action_sta_stop at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:74
D (1026374) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action stopped with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=3
D (1026376) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x420162c0
0x420162c0: esp_netif_stop_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:792
V (1026378) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (1026378) lwip: netif: setting default interface ''
D (1026383) lwip: netif_remove: removed netif
D (1026387) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x5002, give sem
D (1026391) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:3 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fceda50 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
V (1026392) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
I (1026393) wifi:flush txq
I (1026394) wifi:stop sw txq
D (1026395) wifi:filter: set rx policy=0
I (1026397) wifi:lmac stop hw txq
V (1026399) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
V (1026401) wifi:ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
D (1026404) wifi:filter: set rx policy=0
I (1026404) wifi:mode : sta (dc:54:75:d8:6c:28)
I (1026406) wifi:enable tsf
D (1026408) wifi:filter: set rx policy=1
D (1026410) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0
D (1026412) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:2 with handler 0x420184b8 and context 0x3fcecb00 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x420184b8: wifi_default_action_sta_start at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:67
D (1026416) wifi_init_default: wifi_start esp-netif:0x3fcec880 event-id2
D (1026418) wifi_init_default: WIFI mac address: dc 54 75 d8 6c 28
V (1026419) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fca1b60
D (1026419) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action has started with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=2
D (1026421) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x4201609c
0x4201609c: esp_netif_start_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:700
D (1026423) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_start_api 0x3fcec880
V (1026423) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fcedc18
D (1026423) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_hostname esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026429) lwip: netif: added interface st IP
D (1026429) lwip: addr
D (1026431) lwip:
D (1026433) lwip: netmask
D (1026435) lwip:
D (1026437) lwip: gw
D (1026439) lwip:
D (1026441) lwip:
D (1026445) esp_netif_lwip3: check: local, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x420169ac
0x420169ac: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:188
D (1026449) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcec880
V (1026453) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026455) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (1026456) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:2 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fceda50 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
D (1026458) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015ce0
0x42015ce0: esp_netif_set_hostname_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1194
D (1026460) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_set_hostname_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880 hostname Swidget-MINIMAL
D (1026460) wifi:D (1026464) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
Start wifi connect
D (1026466) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0
D (1026468) wifi:connect chan=0
D (1026470) wifi:first chan=8
D (1026472) wifi:connect status 0 -> 1
D (1026473) wifi:filter: set rx policy=3
D (1026475) wifi:clear scan ap list
D (1026477) wifi:start scan: type=0x50f, priority=2, cb=0x4204b908, arg=0, ss_state=0x1, time=1026482294, index=0
0x4204b908: cnx_start_handoff_cb at ??:?
V (1026481) wifi:inter_channel_timeout: arg=0, ss_state=0x1
D (1026481) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<8,0>, dur<0,120>
V (1026485) wifi:change: chan<8,0>, dur<0,120>
V (1026485) wifi:ht20 freq=2447, chan=8
V (1026487) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fc9acad
V (1026489) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<8,0>, arg=0x3fc9acad, status=0
V (1026492) wifi:scan specific ssid=Swidget
V (1026492) wifi:start max timer
D (1026497) wifi:rsn valid: gcipher=1 ucipher=3 akm=5
V (1026497) wifi:updated connection retries to 0
D (1026500) wifi:profile match: ss_state=0x7
V (1026501) wifi:update scan history ssid=Swidget, channel=8
D (1026503) wifi:rsn valid: gcipher=1 ucipher=3 akm=5
D (1026507) wifi:set max rate: from <rate=130, phy=3, sig=0> to <rate=144, phy=3 sig=0>
D (1026511) wifi:sig_b=0, sig_g=0, sig_n=0, max_b=22, max_g=108, max_n=144
D (1026513) wifi:profile match: ss_state=0x7
V (1026513) wifi:update scan history ssid=Swidget, channel=8
D (1026515) wifi:scan end: arg=0, status=0, ss_state=0x7
D (1026517) wifi:find first mathched ssid, scan done
V (1026519) wifi:back home chan=<1,0>, current chan=<8,0>
V (1026521) wifi:ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
D (1026523) wifi:filter: set rx policy=4
D (1026525) wifi:first chan=1
V (1026527) wifi:scan_done: arg=0, status=0, cur_time=1026531936, scan_id=128, scan state=0
V (1026530) wifi:call scan_done cb, arg=0
D (1026531) wifi:handoff_cb: status=0
V (1026532) wifi:best bss has set.
D (1026534) wifi:ap found, mac=00:26:5a:cc:71:13
V (1026536) wifi:bssid=00:26:5a:cc:71:13, LR=0
D (1026537) wifi:new_bss=0x3fc9af58, cur_bss=0, new_chan=<8,0>, cur_chan=1
D (1026541) wifi:filter: set rx policy=5
I (1026541) wifi:new:<8,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<8,0>, prof:1
V (1026545) wifi:ht20 freq=2447, chan=8
D (1026545) wifi:connect_op: status=0, auth=5, cipher=3
D (1026547) wifi:auth mode is not none
D (1026548) wifi:connect_bss: auth=1, reconnect=0
I (1026549) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
D (1026551) wifi:start 1s AUTH timer
D (1026553) wifi:clear scan ap list
D (1026557) wifi:recv auth: seq=2, status=0
I (1026557) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
D (1026559) wifi:restart connect 1s timer for assoc
D (1026564) wifi:recv assoc: type=0x10
D (1026565) wifi:filter: set rx policy=6
I (1026565) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
D (1026567) wifi:start 10s connect timer for 4 way handshake
V (1026569) wifi:wpa_psk start
V (1026572) wifi:wpa_psk handle succeed
V (1026574) wifi:wpa_psk start
V (1026577) wifi:wpa_psk handle succeed
I (1026579) wifi:connected with Swidget, aid = 1, channel 8, BW20, bssid = 00:26:5a:cc:71:13
I (1026579) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -59
D (1026579) wifi:remove all except 00:26:5a:cc:71:13 from rc list
D (1026583) wifi:clear blacklist
D (1026583) nvs: nvs_set sta.chan 1 8
D (1026585) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.apinfo 700
D (1026590) wifi:filter: set rx policy=7
I (1026590) wifi:pm start, type: 1
I (1026593) wifi:set rx beacon pti, rx_bcn_pti: 14, bcn_timeout: 14, mt_pti: 25000, mt_time: 10000
D (1026597) wifi:Send sta connected event
D (1026597) wifi:connect status 1 -> 5
D (1026599) wifi:obss scan is disabled
D (1026601) wifi:start obss scan: obss scan is stopped
I (1026603) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1
D (1026607) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:4 with handler 0x42018540 and context 0x3fcecb60 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x42018540: wifi_default_action_sta_connected at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:81
V (1026608) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fca1b60
D (1026609) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action connected with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=4
D (1026612) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015d50
0x42015d50: esp_netif_up_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1256
D (1026614) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_up_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026618) esp_netif_lwip3: check: local, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x420169ac
0x420169ac: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:188
D (1026620) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcec880
V (1026624) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026625) lwip: netif: setting default interface st
D (1026627) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (1026631) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015a80
0x42015a80: esp_netif_dhcpc_start_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1049
D (1026633) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcpc_start_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026636) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_start_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1026638) esp_netif_lwip3: if0x3fcec880 start ip lost tmr: already started
D (1026639) esp_netif_lwip3: starting dhcp client
D (1026640) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (1026643) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:4 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fceda50 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
D (1027220) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=-3, netbuf=0
D (1027220) lwip: lwip_recvfrom[UDP/RAW](48): buf == NULL, error is "Timeout."!
[PING] From icmp_seq=1 timeout
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, time 1016ms
D (1027742) lwip: netif: netmask of interface st set to
D (1027743) lwip: netif: GW address of interface st set to
D (1027755) lwip: netif_set_ipaddr: netif address being changed
D (1027759) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_dhcpc_cb lwip-netif:0x3fcec900
D (1027761) esp_netif_lwip3: if0x3fcec880 ip changed=0
D (1027762) event: running post IP_EVENT:0 with handler 0x420184e8 and context 0x3fcecc34 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x420184e8: wifi_default_action_sta_got_ip at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/src/wifi_default.c:123
D (1027764) wifi_init_default: Got IP wifi default handler entered
D (1027765) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action got_ip with netif0x3fcec880 from event_id=0
I (1027767) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
D (1027768) event: running post IP_EVENT:0 with handler 0x4200ed78 and context 0x3fcf1f30 on loop 0x3fceb68c
0x4200ed78: WiFiController::event_handler(void*, char const*, int, void*) at /build/swidget_esp32/src/main/src/components/wifi/wifi_control.cpp:623
D (1027770) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1027771) esp_netif_lwip3: check: remote, if=0x3fcec880 fn=0x42015f6c
0x42015f6c: esp_netif_set_dns_info_api at /home/thunder/build/esp-idf/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1457
D (1027773) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_set_dns_info_api esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1027777) esp_netif_lwip3: set dns if=0x3fcec880 type=2 dns=8080808
D (1027779) esp_netif_lwip3: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
[1027786] Got IP:
D (1028233) lwip: lwip_close(48)
V (1079545) wifi:sta recv dup seq=144 tid=0, discard
D (1086314) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (1086314) lwip: 48
D (1086314) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (1086334) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(48, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (1086338) lwip: lwip_sendto(48, data=0x3fca2c5c, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (1086339) lwip:
D (1086339) lwip: port=0
D (1086343) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(48, 0x3fca2aac, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (1086346) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (1086351) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (1086352) lwip: 49
D (1086355) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca43c4
D (1086359) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (1086363) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(48): addr=
D (1086365) lwip:
D (1086367) lwip: port=1 len=64
[PING] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=116 time=27 ms
D (1086373) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(49, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (1086377) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(49, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (1086381) lwip: lwip_sendto(49, data=0x3fca2e84, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (1086385) lwip:
D (1086385) lwip: port=0
D (1086389) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(49, 0x3fca386c, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (1086389) esp_netif_lwip3: esp_netif_get_ip_info esp_netif:0x3fcec880
D (1086392) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (1086399) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca3a24
D (1086403) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (1086406) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(49): addr=
D (1086408) lwip:
D (1086410) lwip: port=1 len=64
D (1086414) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(49, 0x3fca386c, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (1086417) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (1086421) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca43c4
D (1086425) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (1086428) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(49): addr=
D (1086430) lwip:
D (1086431) lwip: port=1 len=64
[PING] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=115 time=46 ms
D (1086439) lwip: lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) =
D (1086439) lwip: 50
D (1086442) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(50, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, ..)-> 0
D (1086445) lwip: lwip_setsockopt(50, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ..) -> 255
D (1086449) lwip: lwip_sendto(50, data=0x3fca46e0, short_size=72, flags=0x0 to=
D (1086453) lwip:
D (1086453) lwip: port=0
D (1086457) lwip: lwip_recvfrom(50, 0x3fca4e1c, 64, 0x0, ..)
D (1086459) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: top sock->lastdata=0
D (1086462) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw[UDP/RAW]: netconn_recv err=0, netbuf=0x3fca3dac
D (1086466) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw: buflen=92
D (1086468) lwip: lwip_recvfrom_udp_raw(50): addr=
D (1086470) lwip:
D (1086472) lwip: port=1 len=64
[PING] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=19 ms
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, time 27ms
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, time 46ms
[PING] 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, time 19ms
D (1088338) lwip: lwip_close(48)
D (1088381) lwip: lwip_close(49)
D (1088449) lwip: lwip_close(50)
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