Lets say there is interrupt registered like this:
Code: Select all
gpio_set_intr_type(intr_pin, GPIO_INTR_NEGEDGE);
gpio_isr_handler_add(intr_pin, handler, (void*) intr_pin);
How much time can pass before CPU gets to process my handler function (it has IRAM_ATTR) after physical GPIO interrupt occurs?
Is there any kind of context switch required, or it can jump from task code right to interrupt handler without any delay?
I know a task context switch takes 15 microseconds (And I would like to know why it takes so long? Its like 2000 instructions to just copy few CPU registers to stack? Or it does anything else?)
So is there similar context switch needed when interrupt occurs?
Its just there is gonna be interrupt each 208 us, to process the interrupt it takes about 100-150 us (unblock task that reads sample value over SPI which requires disabling interrupt because its shared on miso line), so I'd like to know if I should worry about missed interrupts or not.
Do you have any idea how to detect missed interrupt while it was disabled (because of SPI read)?
I could measure time between interrupts by calling esp_timer_get_time(), but I'm not sure if its safe to call this function from ISR context and how much tolerance I should add due to interrupt latency.
What if there occurs another interrupt while the CPU is processing my GPIO interrupt handler before it yields? Like from FreeRTOS tick timer?