Dear forum members,
I have integrated the provisioning example of IDF (which relies on wifi_provisioning component) into my project.
While i have only a single WiFi access point in mind to which i want my ESP32 connect to, it all works as expected.
However in my case the ESP32 will be a portable device, so it will not sit forever near the same WiFi router.
Instead what i would like to achieve is that the user could store credentials of 3-4 different WiFi networks in the NVS of the ESP32 and the ESP32 would connect to that with highest RSSI if any networks are available.
For provisioning i am currently using ESP BLE Prov application for Android: ... e&hl=en_US
I tried to locate relevant parts but neither in the wifi_provisioning component's code, nor in the GUI of the ESP BLE Prov app could i find anything relevant to what i would like to achieve.
So my question is: am i missing something or such feature is not implemented in wifi_provisionong component?
Question about wifi_provisioning component
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