mdns, netbios and softAP are enabled and configured the same as the examples in Github. This is how the Main looks like in my application:
- void app_main(void)
- {
- nvs_flash_init();
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_netif_init());
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_loop_create_default());
- initialise_mdns();
- netbiosns_init();
- netbiosns_set_name(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MDNS_HOST_NAME);
- wifi_init_softap();
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(init_fs());
- }
The problem I am experiencing is that the browser needs quite a lot of time to finish loading the webpage. There is some extra delay (typically 10 - 30 seconds) before the browser sends the last request for getting the favicon.ico. The browser keeps spinning for quite a long time (in this case about 30 seconds). Looking from the wireshark, it seems that there are a lot of DNS requests and ICMP errors generated during this delay. This is how it looks like before the browser requests favicon: It seems that this extra delay is caused by the DNS requests from browser. So how should I solve this problem and reduce this extra delay? with captive portal? or different configuration in mDNS and AP mode? I am very new in this area, so any suggestion would be appreciated! Many thanks!