Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:52 pm
Is there any known issue or limitations about using UART and SPI at the same time on ESP32-WROOM-32 ?
In our application we have two configuration with SPI and UART in parallel and both lead to having the SPI communication broken.
1. ESP logging function (using UART0) calls from task running on core 0 while SPI communication is in progress on core 1. SPI is using polling mode and communication is protected with spinlock and critical sections.
2. Modbus incoming request on UART2 with SPI is running as in dot 1. Mobbus task is running on core 0.
If I set the modbus task to run on same core than SPI (I.e core 1), it works.
So it seems there's something wrong maybe in HW. I already found this topic on the forum that looks similar.
Is there any known issue or limitations about using UART and SPI at the same time on ESP32-WROOM-32 ?
In our application we have two configuration with SPI and UART in parallel and both lead to having the SPI communication broken.
1. ESP logging function (using UART0) calls from task running on core 0 while SPI communication is in progress on core 1. SPI is using polling mode and communication is protected with spinlock and critical sections.
2. Modbus incoming request on UART2 with SPI is running as in dot 1. Mobbus task is running on core 0.
If I set the modbus task to run on same core than SPI (I.e core 1), it works.
So it seems there's something wrong maybe in HW. I already found this topic on the forum that looks similar.