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Exposed config params

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:10 am
by djixon
Is there a way to make exposed configuration parameters of my project to appear at the top on the list in SDKCONFIG?

One more question, is it possible to make a param in SDKconfig which would populate dropdown combo box with all found ESP-IDF framework versions on that machine and based on an user choice to automatically (silently) perform actions like you do by pressing F1 and choosing Configure ESP-IDF extension -> Local Workspace folder -> Use existing setup -> chosen_version, but all that just by single click on item from that combo box?

Suggestion for future ESP-IDF versions, It would be even better to have that option exposed on status bar (next to chip target) to be easy accessible and visible all the time. So user can easily change ESP-IDF version (from those already installed on machine) the same way as he do for changing, let's say, a target chip or a COM port. So ESP-IDF configuration sticks to that project instead to use global settings.

It is very important when you are working with, let's say, two instances of VS code, with two projects at the same time but each is configured to different ESP-IDF version. It is real scenario, because the most of high-level dev boards come with precompiled libraries (or part of them) supporting tons of peripherals like LCD, audio, RS485 etc on those boards, but are compiled with an older ESP-IDF version (and is not known, if those libraries will ever be upgraded to a newer version). Now if you have another newer ESP chip and want to use the latest stable version of ESP-IDF for it to develop another device which have to communicate with that older board, (over WIFI or BT or any other way) you need both project live and debugging ready at single machine at the same time. However, not seeing actual ESP-IDF version on each VS code studio window, make it harder to recognize which window belongs to which config. Fortunately chip target is visible so it helps, but it would be also much better to see active ESP-IDF version in status bar too.

Re: Exposed config params

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:51 pm
by accacca
Problem that should find a solution
I have developed some libraries with IDF 5.1 I thought I could reuse them.
Now that I have started a new project with ADF that is instead tied to IDF 4.4.4
I can't use my libraries because I would need a different version of IDF with ADF framework
I can't use the ADF components in my IDF 5.1 versione because they are not compatible