Getting 5V for MCP2515

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Getting 5V for MCP2515

Postby wjquigs » Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:02 pm

When I'm using an ESP32 devkit plugged into USB, I get 5V to power an MCP2515 SPI CAN bus shield.
However, in "production" I will be using an ESP32 board running from a 12V CAN bus, so I only have 12V and 3.3V. What's the simplest way to get the 5V necessary for the MCP2515 (which will not work at 3.3V)? There are power pads on the board for 12V.
Something like this or are there more efficient options? ... B08PP6LMM1
Or is this sufficient since the module draws 5mA? ... B08B5T438M

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Re: Getting 5V for MCP2515

Postby username » Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:21 am

You can use something much smaller like this ... ZTS61&th=1

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Re: Getting 5V for MCP2515

Postby locustcox » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:43 am

The mcp2515 has an operating range of 2.7 to 5.5V. You shouldn’t have an issue operating at 3.3V unless there’s something I’m missing.

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