Hi Joel,
I see a couple of questions answered already, I will add my thoughts on them as well.
I wonder bout one thing there: why the signer certificate validity should be 365 days only? Is it a good practice only or is there a technical reason ? What append / what is the risk if the signer certificate has a longer validity, let say 10 years for example ?
That is a sample signer certificate just for showcasing the usability. Typically the signer certificate should be valid for the lifetime of the product. It means that the device should not have to change its device certificate till its lifetime. This also follows that the device cert private key and Signer cert private key is not leaked in the meantime. In that case it is okay to have signer validity for 10 years. (Or even more than that)
If you change the signer certificate after 1 year to reduce vulnerability then you also need to update the device certificate for each device which might be already on field. It's a tricky job to do that. So generally this is not done. If your product needs has a very stringent security requirements then maybe this option should be considered.
If the signer validity period is 1 year, that means probably I will not be able to validate this after the expiry period ? And additionally, if adding some devices later, I will need a new signer, so the server should be able to validate devices with several signers.
Extending the signer validity as explained above should fix this. Alternatively, Registering multiple signer certificates is supported on most of the cloud servers so it should not be a problem.
Just to develop a bit this question: the topic behind this is that my devices will expose their public key to a server to perform authentication. Server should be able to validate the authenticity of the device. I would like to achieve verification of the public key using the signer (I don't know how I can technically do that for the moment !)
So in this case what happens is that you form a chain of trust with the signer being at the top of the hierarchy.
First you register the signer certificate with cloud services such as AWS. Then you shall use that signer to sing the device certificate.
When the device shall connect with the server it shall send its device certificate and signer certificate with the server. The server shall verify that the device certificate is indeed signed using the signer certificate and ask device cert to prove ownership of the device private key. Once that is done the server will trust the device and perform further communication.
I hope I have added enough details.
Please let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any point.