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User API manual for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:39 pm
by Ritesh

Do you have any User API manual to develop any application for ESP32-idf RTOS?

Ritesh Prajapati

Re: User API manul for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:49 pm
by ESP_Angus
Hi Ritesh,

The esp-idf repository README and docs directory contains guides for getting up and running with esp-idf: ... -the-esp32

The examples directory contains some basic examples that you can copy and use as a basis for your own projects: ... r/examples

We are working on adding more documentation and examples over the coming weeks.

Re: User API manul for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:06 am
by Ritesh

So, Right now, There is no any User API Manual like ESP8266 User API Manual to develop any application. correct?

Also, when is your plan to release that ESP32 User API Manual? Do you have any idea for that?

Ritesh Prajapati

Re: User API manul for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:12 am
by kolban
Might this form thread be of value to you?

Re: User API manual for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:05 am
by Ritesh

Thanks for quick Reply.

I just checked your link provided but not found any helpful informations regarding software API reference manual for ESP32 SDK-idf development stuffs.

Ritesh Prajapati

Re: User API manual for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:53 pm
by kolban
One can run Doxygen over the source of ESP-IDF and generate documentation. I did this a while back and posted here ... its a little old now ... but there may still be some value in it ...

The ESP32 is VERY VERY new. Rather than keep it from us until every i was dotted and t was crossed, Espressif released as soon as they could and the software is still trying to catch up. The ESP-IDF isn't listed as being even at v1.0 yet. As such, we are all still in learning mode and it will be some time before we have what any of us would consider a definitive set of docs for all the answers. We are all still gaining experience.

In this community, we try and support each other. What I'd suggest is that rather than look for a book of all answers ... maybe you can post to the forum your questions? I recommend one question per thread rather than a thread with MANY questions. There is no assurance that anyone will have an immediate answer, but it does mean that as any of us stumble over something ... we may say "Oooh wait ... Ritesh posted that he was looking for this ... maybe what I just discovered may help?".

Re: User API manual for ESP32 esp-idf

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:05 am
by Ritesh
Hi kolban,

Thanks for your valuable reply.

Yes. I have already posted 2 to 3 questions and will post some more questions whenever required.

I know that ESP32 chip has been release recently with ESP-idf RTOS SDK which is only one RTOS SDK using which we can start development on ESP32.

So, do you have any idea when Espressif System will release full API related document or User Manual for ESP32 Development?