BLE MESH - V2I use case

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BLE MESH - V2I use case

Postby aeron169 » Sun May 21, 2023 7:49 pm


I am new to BLE Mesh and I have some questions based on my use case.

First, i introduce you to my problem, so i have a prototype with some vehicles that need to talk to multiple doors, vehicles can send and receive information and so the doors. That's why i needed BLE mesh, because multiple vehciles need to access to one door and send if needed a message to it and inversely (so not one-to-many but many-to-many).

So now many questions come to my mind:

1. I don't care about all the nodes being connected, i just want the right vehicles to be connected to the right door based on their range to that door, my first idea was to create many mesh network, but will this not create some delays problem by provisionning and disconnect many devices everytime (the provisioner being the door) ?

2. Second idea, was to create many subnet inside one network, so first does every nodes needs to have constant connection with the provisioner (directly or not) and then if some subnets don't have access to the provisioner since there's no path to it currently, how can the node be added to the subnet.

I know their can be some other technologies that can be better suited for this but i wanted to test with BLE mesh.

Thank you !

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