ESP32S3 WROOM 1 : Bluedroid : BT_INIT: Malloc failed
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:22 pm
Good afternoon,
I am trying to send a file having a size (500Ko) using BLE between a client and a server.
The file is read from Internal Flash chunk by chunk and sent using a write characteristic (Client characteristic).
During the file transfer, the following message appears on the client side.
BT_INIT: Malloc failed.
I have a chip with a 2Mo Embedded Flash.
Do you know what can happen ?
Thank you.
I am trying to send a file having a size (500Ko) using BLE between a client and a server.
The file is read from Internal Flash chunk by chunk and sent using a write characteristic (Client characteristic).
During the file transfer, the following message appears on the client side.
BT_INIT: Malloc failed.
I have a chip with a 2Mo Embedded Flash.
Do you know what can happen ?
Thank you.