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[Info] Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:44 pm
by kolban
Video on using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

As our knowledge and skills grow on using ESP32, we may start by using command line compilation of our ESP32 applications. However, in my opinion, there are better ways. Eclipse is an open source integrated development environment that runs on Linux and Windows. We can use this to build ESP32 projects. In this video we take the instructions provided by Espressif, study of Eclipse and practice and put them together to show what is possible. I think you will be interested in the results.

Eclipse can be found here:

Specifically, you want the one which includes the C/C++ development tools: ... pers/neon1

Or you can augment your existing Eclipse with this C/C++ tools packages.

Re: Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:17 pm
by Singe12
I've a question about why Visual Studio from Microsoft is not used with ESP products. Since there's a free version of VS and an (not free) addon for ESP8266 (not arduino addon), why not to make a tutorial or a guide on how to configurate VS to handle and compile IDF?
There's a particular software reason that VS can't be easly configured to do this?

Re: Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:37 pm
by kolban
Howdy. There is absolutely no technical reason at all why Visual Studio (or another development environment) couldn't be used on Windows to build ESP32 applications. The EPS-IDF github package provides recipes for Linux, Windows (and I believe Mac). The choice of a development environment for writing applications is purely personal taste. For myself, I run Windows 10 exclusively for my desktop. I run Windows for email, browsing, word processing and much much more. However, when it comes to programming, I mostly run VirtualBox (free for download and use) and run Ubuntu Linux over that. For my tastes, this gives me a very fast development environment with access to all the tools I need. I seem to find that compilation jobs are faster in Ubuntu than the equivalent on Windows.

However ... and I want to stress this ... the choice of platform (Linux vs Windows vs Mac) is purely personal taste and everyone is entitled to their desires. One can say "I like this ..." or "I prefer that ..." ... but anything that gets the job done is a "correct" answer and anything else is opinion.

As for video tutorials, those are secondary for me ... I hope to write up both Windows and Linux in my book of notes. Since we are all a burgeoning ESP32 community, any and all of us should feel welcome to create our own videos and share links to them from these fora.

Re: Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:10 am
by ESP_igrr
Excellent video tutorial!

I hope we can fix automatic discovery of include directories on Windows, so that manual typing of all include directories won't be required.

Re: Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:39 am
by kolban
Since putting up the video it has been shown that instead of defining the ESP-IDF include directories on a project by project basis, we can define them once at the Workspace level and since Workspace configurations can be exchanged, in principle one need only do this once and then its "done" for all future projects.

Re: Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:48 pm
by Singe12
kolban wrote:Howdy. There is absolutely no technical reason at all why Visual Studio (or another development environment) couldn't be used on Windows to build ESP32 applications. The EPS-IDF github package provides recipes for Linux, Windows (and I believe Mac). The choice of a development environment for writing applications is purely personal taste. For myself, I run Windows 10 exclusively for my desktop. I run Windows for email, browsing, word processing and much much more. However, when it comes to programming, I mostly run VirtualBox (free for download and use) and run Ubuntu Linux over that. For my tastes, this gives me a very fast development environment with access to all the tools I need. I seem to find that compilation jobs are faster in Ubuntu than the equivalent on Windows.

However ... and I want to stress this ... the choice of platform (Linux vs Windows vs Mac) is purely personal taste and everyone is entitled to their desires. One can say "I like this ..." or "I prefer that ..." ... but anything that gets the job done is a "correct" answer and anything else is opinion.

As for video tutorials, those are secondary for me ... I hope to write up both Windows and Linux in my book of notes. Since we are all a burgeoning ESP32 community, any and all of us should feel welcome to create our own videos and share links to them from these fora.
Ok, thank you. I've asked this becouse I can't find any tutorial to setup VS for ESP8266 without using "not free" addons. Do you plan to make a video or a text tutorial on how to setup ESP32 on Win10 and VS?
Or, if you can advice me where and what to search about how to start to make VS to work with ESP32.

Re: Video: Tutorial - Using Eclipse to build ESP32 projects

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 9:52 pm
by rudi ;-)
Very nice video Neil,

this helps me in one detail of one missing include ;-)
i forget the build/inlcude in workspace as workspace
now it runs Eclipse like it must.
i use it in windows.

best wishes
rudi ;-)

because it is windows, the path add is
like this:
example my esp-idf is in c:\sdk32\esp-idf
so the slash and back slash is swapped


edit: sry
one think i do swapped too:
i do not add the things for
msys32, compiler and so on
at end of the Path.
i inserted it at begin in DevC++ and in your Eclipse Tip.
so allways this "make" and tools are used from the msys32

if i have a second gcc on the system and other "make"
or example a "make" from ( Delphi ) then this "make" is called
because the path ( toolchain ) would be at end.
so i inserted at begin.

and the system path is untouched.
so "make" from (Delphi) is found well
in (Delphi) Ide.
"make" is found well if Eclipse is used
for esp-idf