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Connect Wifi via Bluetooth Low Energy

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:28 am
by doduong
Hi everyone,

I have started a project use wifi and ble. My esp32 will scan and send list of Access points to my smartphone via BLE. I will choose AP in smartphone then esp32 will conect with that AP. I can get AP list form Wifi but I don't know how to write AP list to Characteristic in BLE. Someone can help me ?

I will be greatful for any help!

Re: Connect Wifi via Bluetooth Low Energy

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:46 pm
by kolban
What kind of help do you need?

Loosely, think of a characteristic in BLE as a variable that contains byte data. The "name" of the variable is the characteristic UUID (the 128 bits of data of the form 1322b5aa-d1b3-450c-addc-c8f4c80dbb3c). The BLE server maintains that data and the BLE client can ask for the value of that variable or ask the server to save a new value for that variable.

If we think of your access point SSIDs as simply "data" then you can set the value of your characteristic to a delimited concatenation of your list of SSIDs.

This would be my high level approach.

Re: Connect Wifi via Bluetooth Low Energy

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:02 am
by doduong
kolban wrote:Howdy,
What kind of help do you need?

Loosely, think of a characteristic in BLE as a variable that contains byte data. The "name" of the variable is the characteristic UUID (the 128 bits of data of the form 1322b5aa-d1b3-450c-addc-c8f4c80dbb3c). The BLE server maintains that data and the BLE client can ask for the value of that variable or ask the server to save a new value for that variable.

If we think of your access point SSIDs as simply "data" then you can set the value of your characteristic to a delimited concatenation of your list of SSIDs.

This would be my high level approach.
Hi kolban,
Thanks for your help.

Re: Connect Wifi via Bluetooth Low Energy

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:20 am
by doduong
kolban wrote:Howdy,
What kind of help do you need?

Loosely, think of a characteristic in BLE as a variable that contains byte data. The "name" of the variable is the characteristic UUID (the 128 bits of data of the form 1322b5aa-d1b3-450c-addc-c8f4c80dbb3c). The BLE server maintains that data and the BLE client can ask for the value of that variable or ask the server to save a new value for that variable.

If we think of your access point SSIDs as simply "data" then you can set the value of your characteristic to a delimited concatenation of your list of SSIDs.

This would be my high level approach.
Hi kolban,
Can you tell me how to change or add services, characterstic, attribute in Sample Project "gatt_sever" ?
Thank you.