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BLE secure gatt server example

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:45 pm
by Grungel

Being very new to all espressif native stuff, the code examples I can find seems very daunting to say the least when it comes to BLE.
If it were not that we needed to use the latest S3 modules for our stuff I would much much much rather go down the arduino route, it took me a day to code the whole project there. Here I have spent two days trying to understand the BLE secure gatt server sample.

The issue with the available bluedroid example is that it is based on some kind of heart rate stuff, whereas I need a custom uuid setup for our product. All other parts I get, with the security and connection parts, which works great. To modify the existing example seems hopeless, since the heart rate stuff goes into all kinds of different parts of the code and it is completely uncomemnted so I cannot really follow what it does. So my simple question is now, is there a simple example, where one just creates a custom UUID and then updates tha data periodicly in the main loop or similar? With the existing examples, I keep getting completely lost.