From that one line answer ... I think you are saying ...
"One of the good things about IDF is that some of the source code for the environment in which your ESP32 application runs is available on a Github repository called:
While no-one expects programmers who simply want to use ESP32 as a platform to have to grunge through the source in order to learn how to use it, these are early days in the life of ESP32. The choices may have been to delay ESP32 release until ALL the documentation was ready ... or, as seems to have been done ... place the ESP32 in our hands and our knowledge on how to use it will mature and be documented over time. In the meantime, if one has questions, feel free to pose them on the forum and if others have beaten that path before, they might be able to share what they have learned ... otherwise we can indeed look in the source and get clues, hints and knowledge from there. However, it is important to note that NOT all of the source seems to be present. When we clone the ESP-IDF, part of that pulls down the project:
which are files released only as binaries and not as source. If we search the ESP-IDF for the function you were looking for ... 'esp_wifi_init', we don't find it ... this might imply that it is supplied as binary only within the binary libraries. If this is the case, we must just be patient and wait for Espressif documentation to catch up".