HSPI and VSPI simultaneously issue

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HSPI and VSPI simultaneously issue

Postby opcode_x64 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:26 am

Hello all,

I am driving on HSPI an external high-speed ADC and on VSPI the external ENC28J60. After some debugging, I figured out, that when "esp_eth_driver_install" is executed, the HSPI seems not working anymore. After analyzing "esp_eth_driver_install" I figured out, that within this function the problem occurs when the line " ETH_CHECK(mac->init(mac) == ESP_OK, "init mac failed", err_init_mac, ESP_FAIL);" is executed, in other words, when the "mac" structure is initiated. However, HSPI is running on DMA Channel1 and VSPI is running on DMA Channel2 to prevent conflict. Furthermore, the sampling of the external ADC on HSPI is running on Core1 and the ENC28J60 tasks are running on Core0.

Before using ENC28J60 I used external SDCARD on VSPI to save the sampled ADC data which worked well. I guess/believe, that the initialization of the "ethernet driver" makes some conflict with HSPI even it is configured to VSPI...

I really would post the code, but the code in the recent stage is "too heavy". Maybe you can give me a hint to check several points.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

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