Code: Select all
riscv32-esp-elf-gdb --version
When run, two dialogs appear with the following error messages:
Code: Select all
The code execution cannot proceed because libgcc_s_seh-1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
The code execution cannot proceed because libstdc++-6.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
The toolchain was installed using esp-idf-tools-setup-online-2.9-beta-06.exe.
The IDF 'master' branch was selected. Tools were installed to D:\ESP\.espressif and IDF to D:\ESP\esp-idf.
Before running the above, I set up as best I knew how to create a 'clean' install. I removed all ESP-IDF references from the environment (e.g. IDF_TOOLS_PATH), deleted (actually, backed up and moved) my original ESP-IDF installation, and removed all application links (shortcuts) from desktop and start menu.
GDB runs OK for other targets; for example, xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb --version runs as expected without any error reports. and other ESP-IDF tools work as expected.
I experience the same problem if I perform the ESP-IDF installation using an earlier version of the installer. I tried an installation using esp-idf-tools-setup-online-2.5 following the clean install procedure mentioned above with similar results.
Another somewhat-related issue, this one with the Eclipse ESP-IDF plugin:
If I go to create a Eclipse 'debug configuration' for a project set up to target the ESP32-C3 using this procedure:
- Select project (blink example) and target (esp32c3). Run a build and perform a test run to ensure project configuration is correct.
- From eclipse menu: Run -> Debug configurations
- From Create, manage and run configurations dialog - select ESP-IDF GDB OpenOCD Debugging. Click New launch configuration button (icon with blank page with '+', upper left-hand corner).
- Debugger configuration dialog appears on right hand side. Select Debugger tab.
- In GDB Client Setup section of Debugger tab dialog, Actual Executable textbox, the following is put in by default:
What I would expect to see here is:
I don't see the error dialogs I mentioned above when running GDB from a CMD shell, but it's pretty clear that it's the same missing-DLL problem happening here.
Sorry I can't provide screenshots to make this more clear.