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esp32: promisc mode or monitor mode?

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:02 am
by mattismyo
Obviously i can use the promisc mode to capture traffic, even when this traffic doesn't 'goes threw' the esp 32 ( = the esp32 is not connected to this network). I was wondering because i learned, that the promiscuous mode is for capturing traffic, but the device has to be connected with this network. For capturing traffic of a network which i'm not connected to, i need the monitor mode.
So in 'my opinion', the esp32 has the monitor mode. Why is there always the speech of promisc mode ( eg ... esp_wifi.h ). Or did i get something wrong with promiscuous- and monitor mode?

Re: esp32: promisc mode or monitor mode?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:25 am
by mattismyo

Re: esp32: promisc mode or monitor mode?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:45 pm
by dsiganos
Do you mean that you want to connect to a wifi AP, stay connected, and also get all packets in promiscuous mode?
I am trying to do that and I find that when I call

Code: Select all

the wifi connection is dropped.

It behaves as if, it abandons the managed station mode and goes into monitor mode, losing the wifi connection in the process. Is that what you are trying to say as well?