I have followed instructions (esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/get-started/eclipse-setup.html) to get Eclipse to import Makefile projects and I have had no problems building or flashing.
It is a feature of most modern IDEs to be able to jump to, or otherwise locate the definitions of functions from their calling point. For example I know that vTaskDelay(xx) that is called in the hello_world example is defined in /esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c, but how can I get Eclipse to figure this out?
Ubuntu via VirtualBox on Windows 10
ESP-IDF latest version (as of 23 May 2017 - not sure how to check exact version)
Eclipse 3.8.1/Luna
Thank you
Eclipse code jump to esp-idf function definitions?
Re: Eclipse code jump to esp-idf function definitions?
Ok after a bit of fiddling around I have found a solution that sort-of works:
- Right click project, select "Properties"
- Go to "C/C++ General" > "Paths and Symbols"
- Select "Source location" tab
- Click "Link Folder"
- Select your /esp-idf/components/ folder
- Select yes to rebuild index or right click project and select "Index" > "Rebuild"
Re: Eclipse code jump to esp-idf function definitions?
Do you happen to have a solution for the most recent eclipse + idf combination too? The "Paths and Symbols" option is not present anymore in the project properties...
Do you happen to have a solution for the most recent eclipse + idf combination too? The "Paths and Symbols" option is not present anymore in the project properties...

Re: Eclipse code jump to esp-idf function definitions?
+1 would like to know how to do this with esp eclipse plugin and idf 4
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