No way to capture and handle BT_BTC errors?

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No way to capture and handle BT_BTC errors?

Postby toastedowl » Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:49 pm

Is there any way to capture this event at the application layer to correctly handle it?

BT_BTC: btc_gattc_cback transfer failed

This problem occurs when a block of data spanning several packets is being transferred from a BT device to this ESP32 via notify.

I believe it is because of a low signal or because I have 100s of bluetooth devices in the area (or both).

I do not believe it is because of heap memory because:
1) Before and after this error esp_get_free_heap_size() returns about 4K
2) After this error: esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size() returns over 2K

There are 2 problems with this:
1) I am losing data and I need to handle the error in software
2) When the message is logged, it backs things up so occasionally I do run out of heap because its printing while it should be handling incoming data

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