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ESP-NOW lost packets. Detect bad FCS RadioTap in Promiscuous?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:24 pm
by plajjd
I have an ESP-NOW (WiFi) project using ESP32-WROOM32 devices.

All packets are transmitted as BROADCAST WiFi packets in the ESP-NOW protocol. Every device should receive all packets. Packets are broadcast continually at a rate of > 3 packets per second.

However, sometimes a device will STOP receiving packets for many seconds. Other devices near it will work fine. Only that one device will stop receiving.

In Wireshark, I sometimes see RadioTap "Bad_FCS" packets (meaning the packet is corrupt). I am wondering if my device is dropping packets that have bad FCS.

Question: How can I detect a "bad_fcs" packet in promiscuous mode on the ESP32? I know how to capture promiscuous packets. I just need to know how to decode the radiotap header and data information.

Is there any documentation on reading radiotap information in promiscuous mode on the ESP32?

Thank you!
