ESP32 DEV KIT C debug setup

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ESP32 DEV KIT C debug setup

Postby toastedowl » Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:08 pm

Most of my recent experience is with Nordic chips which are easy to debug using the DK.

I've been writing code using ESP-IDF and I'd like to setup a debugger. I've been to this link already: ... w-it-works

My first question is do I have a viable debug setup to debug with OpenOCD:
1) Windows
2) USB DEV KIT C and ESP-IDF v4.1

Ideally, I'd like to debug via Eclipse but I'd be delighted if there were clear instructions for this particular setup.
for example:

To debug DEVKIT C with ESP-PROG
1) Wire them together like this
2) Use these exact config files
3) Run this command to know its working

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Re: ESP32 DEV KIT C debug setup

Postby AndreRamakers » Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:05 am


I have been struggling with debugging until I found "VisualGDB embedded". This is a plugin for Visual Studio which really works out of the box! Also "menuconfig" is now done from within Visual Studio just by editing the project properties. It is really worth its low price!

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Re: ESP32 DEV KIT C debug setup

Postby toastedowl » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:11 am

Interesting. Is it possible to debug a devkitc board directly from USB via the Visual Studio plugin?

I am blown away that there isn't a simple set of instructions on how to debug a DEVKITC board. Nordic couldn't be any easier.

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Re: ESP32 DEV KIT C debug setup

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:15 am

DevkitC does not have an on-board JTAG debugger. If you have an external debugger (e.g. an ESP-Prog board), you should be able to wire TMS, TCK, TDI and TDO from there to the DevkitC using 'Dupont' wires or something similar. From then on, you can follow the guide for any other JTAG-enabled devboard.

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