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CANBus broken in v4.1-beta2 in release mode [IDFGH-3729]

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:48 pm
by dedvalson
CANBus does not work at all in C4.1-beta2 in release mode due to numerous assert statements having been changed such as this one:

Code: Select all

      assert(can_hal_start(&can_context, p_can_obj->mode));
In V4.0 this was:

Code: Select all

    esp_err_t err = can_enter_reset_mode(); //Should already be in bus-off mode, set again to make sure
    assert(err == ESP_OK);
There are about 8 similar problems in this file.

Re: CANBus broken in v4.1-beta2 in release mode [IDFGH-3729]

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:53 am
by ESP_Angus
Hi dedvalson,

Thanks for reporting this, and sorry for the inconvenience. We're going to attempt to fix this before the v4.1 final release (we're about to release v4.1-rc, unfortunately it's not fixed there).

In the meantime a possible workaround is to configure "silent asserts" - assertions failures still abort, but no message is logged and less binary size increase.

I've edited the topic to include our internal tracking ID.
