Clone running firmware over mesh
Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 5:48 am
I am developing a device that communicates over mesh, and where the root device only has a cellular card for communicating with the internet. I am currently trying to implement OTA updates on the model that the root device performs OTA for itself via cellular, and then turns off the cellular connection and sends it's new software over mesh to the other devices. As I do not have enough flash available to store the binary directly, I thought I would just read it off the running partition, as I read the contents out and saw they were identical to the binary produced by the compiler.
However, this only neary works, there seems to always be a few seemingly random changes that sneak in for a ~1MB OTA.
Any tips would be extremely welcome, as I cannot understand why it continually fails. I get these error messages:
However, it varies which image segment gets an illegal length.
The relevant code looks like this (the root will invoke send_ota_to_node, the nodes invoke get_message):
Best regards,
I am developing a device that communicates over mesh, and where the root device only has a cellular card for communicating with the internet. I am currently trying to implement OTA updates on the model that the root device performs OTA for itself via cellular, and then turns off the cellular connection and sends it's new software over mesh to the other devices. As I do not have enough flash available to store the binary directly, I thought I would just read it off the running partition, as I read the contents out and saw they were identical to the binary produced by the compiler.
However, this only neary works, there seems to always be a few seemingly random changes that sneak in for a ~1MB OTA.
Any tips would be extremely welcome, as I cannot understand why it continually fails. I get these error messages:
Code: Select all
I (94992) OTA: Finished receiving OTA
I (94992) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00190020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x2ba14 (178708) map
I (95052) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x001bba3c vaddr=0x3ffb0000 size=0x03e78 ( 15992)
I (95062) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x001bf8bc vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x00404 ( 1028)
I (95062) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x001bfcc8 vaddr=0x40080404 size=0x00350 ( 848)
I (95072) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x001c0020 vaddr=0x400d0020 size=0xbfc00 (785408) map
E (95342) esp_image: invalid segment length 0x11b81aa8
I (95342) OTA: err:0x1503 (ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED)
I (95672) pppos_example: OTA partition SHA-256: c8cefb3f000000000000000080b0fc3fba49fd3f41cefb3f3ccffb3f00000000
I (604502) OTA: Writing OTA, chunk size:784, no:1042, tot:816928, ota_size:1067792, part_size:1572864, offset:816928, final:(yes)
I (604532) OTA: Finished receiving OTA
I (604532) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00190020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x2ba24 (178724) map
E (604592) esp_image: invalid segment length 0x66800006
I (604592) OTA: err:0x1503 (ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED)
The relevant code looks like this (the root will invoke send_ota_to_node, the nodes invoke get_message):
Code: Select all
static uint8_t tx_buf[TX_SIZE] = { 0, };
static uint8_t rx_buf[RX_SIZE] = { 0, };
#define ota_chunk_max_size (1400)
static const uint16_t ota_chunk_size = 1380;
const esp_partition_t *current_partition;
const esp_partition_t *ota_partition;
typedef struct {
uint8_t prog_data[ota_chunk_max_size + 1];
uint16_t chunk_no;
size_t chunk_size;
size_t ota_size;
uint8_t ota_version;
bool final_chunk;
uint16_t crc16;
uint8_t token_id;
uint16_t token_value;
} mesh_ota_update_t;
mesh_ota_update_t mesh_ota_update = {
.prog_data = {0},
.chunk_no = 0,
.chunk_size = 0,
.ota_size = 0,
.ota_version = ota_version,
.final_chunk = false,
.crc16 = 0,
.token_id = MESH_TOKEN_ID,
.token_value = MESH_TOKEN_VALUE,
void send_ota_to_node(void *pvParameter) {
mesh_addr_t route_table[100];
mesh_data_t data;
esp_err_t err;
int i;
bool all_data_sent;
int flag = MESH_DATA_P2P;
int route_table_size = 0;
esp_mesh_set_self_organized(1, 0);
mesh_ota_update.ota_version = ota_version;
mesh_ota_update.ota_size = ota_data.image_len + (ota_data.image_len % 64); // Aligns the sent image to 64b (necessary?)
esp_mesh_get_routing_table((mesh_addr_t *) &route_table, 300 * 6, &route_table_size);
uint8_t *chunk_buffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(ota_chunk_size + 1);
while(route_table_size < 2) {
esp_mesh_get_routing_table((mesh_addr_t *) &route_table, 300 * 6, &route_table_size);
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "OTA waiting...");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "OTA proceeding");
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < route_table_size; i++) {
if(route_table[i].addr[0] != mesh_self_addr.addr[0] || route_table[i].addr[1] != mesh_self_addr.addr[1] || route_table[i].addr[2] != mesh_self_addr.addr[2] || route_table[i].addr[3] != mesh_self_addr.addr[3] || route_table[i].addr[4] != mesh_self_addr.addr[4] || route_table[i].addr[5] != mesh_self_addr.addr[5]) {
all_data_sent = false;
mesh_ota_update.chunk_no = 0;
while (!all_data_sent) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Upping send_count");
tx_buf[25] = (send_count >> 24) & 0xff;
tx_buf[24] = (send_count >> 16) & 0xff;
tx_buf[23] = (send_count >> 8) & 0xff;
tx_buf[22] = (send_count >> 0) & 0xff;
if(mesh_ota_update.ota_size > (ota_chunk_size * (mesh_ota_update.chunk_no + 1))) {
//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Partition size is larger than the end of this chunk");
mesh_ota_update.chunk_size = ota_chunk_size;
mesh_ota_update.final_chunk = false;
} else {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Partition size is not larger than the end of this chunk (%u)", ota_chunk_size * mesh_ota_update.chunk_no);
mesh_ota_update.chunk_size = mesh_ota_update.ota_size - (ota_chunk_size * mesh_ota_update.chunk_no);
mesh_ota_update.final_chunk = true;
all_data_sent = true;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Read %u bytes from partition @ %u", mesh_ota_update.chunk_size, mesh_ota_update.chunk_no * ota_chunk_size);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_partition_read(current_partition, mesh_ota_update.chunk_no * ota_chunk_size, chunk_buffer, mesh_ota_update.chunk_size));
memcpy(mesh_ota_update.prog_data, chunk_buffer, mesh_ota_update.chunk_size);
mesh_ota_update.crc16 = crc16(mesh_ota_update.prog_data, mesh_ota_update.chunk_size);
memcpy(tx_buf, (uint8_t *)&mesh_ota_update, sizeof(mesh_ota_update_t)); = tx_buf;
data.size = sizeof(mesh_ota_update_t);
data.proto = MESH_PROTO_BIN;
err = esp_mesh_send(&route_table[i], &data, flag, NULL, 0);
ESP_LOGW(MESH_TAG, "Sending OTA to: "MACSTR", chunk no:%u chunk size:%u struct size: %u err:0x%x (%s)", MAC2STR(route_table[i].addr), mesh_ota_update.chunk_no, mesh_ota_update.chunk_size, sizeof(mesh_ota_update_t), err, esp_err_to_name(err));
ESP_LOGI(MESH_TAG, "Finished OTA to "MACSTR", waiting for next", MAC2STR(route_table[i].addr));
ESP_LOGI(MESH_TAG, "Finished OTA, ending");
xTaskCreate(&send_message_to_node, "send_message_to_node", 4096, NULL, 5, NULL);
void get_message(void *pvParameter)
mesh_addr_t from;
esp_err_t err;
int send_count = 0;
int recv_count = 0;
int flag = 0;
mesh_data_t data; = rx_buf;
size_t chunk_size = 0;
while(1) {
data.size = RX_SIZE;
err = esp_mesh_recv(&from, &data, portMAX_DELAY, &flag, NULL, 0);
if (err != ESP_OK || !data.size) {
ESP_LOGI(MESH_TAG, "err:0x%x (%s), size:%d", err, esp_err_to_name(err), data.size);
if (data.size >= sizeof(send_count)) {
send_count = ([25] << 24) | ([24] << 16) | ([23] << 8) |[22];
if(data.proto == MESH_PROTO_BIN) {
mesh_ota_update_t *in = (mesh_ota_update_t *);
ESP_LOGI(MESH_TAG, "Receive OTA from "MACSTR", size:%d, heap:%d, chunk:%u, ver:%u [err:0x%x, proto:%d, tos:%d]", MAC2STR(from.addr), data.size, esp_get_free_heap_size(), in->chunk_no, in->ota_version, err, data.proto, data.tos);
if(in->chunk_no == 0) {
ota_in_progress = true;
ESP_LOGI("OTA", "Began receiving OTA, size:%d", in->ota_size);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_begin(ota_partition, OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN, &ota_handle));
chunk_size = in->chunk_size;
memcpy(&new_app_info, &in->prog_data[sizeof(esp_image_header_t) + sizeof(esp_image_segment_header_t)], sizeof(esp_app_desc_t));
ESP_LOGI("OTA", "Writing OTA, chunk size:%d, no:%d, tot:%d, ota_size:%d, part_size:%d, offset:%d, crc16:0x%04X, final:%s", in->chunk_size, in->chunk_no, in->chunk_size * in->chunk_no, in->ota_size, ota_partition->size, write_offset, in->crc16, in->final_chunk ? "(yes)":"(no)");
uint16_t data_crc16 = crc16(in->prog_data, in->chunk_size);
if (data_crc16 == in->crc16) {
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_write(ota_handle, (const void *)in->prog_data, in->chunk_size));
} else {
ESP_LOGE("OTA", "CRC mismatch! Received crc16:0x%04X, but data has crc16:0x%04X", in->crc16, data_crc16);
if(in->final_chunk) {
ESP_LOGI("OTA", "Finished receiving OTA");
err = esp_ota_end(ota_handle);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGI("OTA", "err:0x%x (%s)", err, esp_err_to_name(err));
uint8_t *ota_sha256 = (uint8_t *) malloc(32);
err = esp_partition_get_sha256(ota_partition, ota_sha256);
print_sha256(ota_sha256, "OTA partition SHA-256");
} else {
ESP_LOGI("OTA", "Image verified, rebooting");