Clients can't connect to ESP32 SoftAP. Not getting IP address
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 9:20 pm
I've been using the ESP32 WIFI in SoftAP mode. After some tests I am observing certain clients randomly disconnects and won't be able to connect anymore. Below is a debug when this event occurs:
It appears to join the wifi network. The esp32 assigns it an AID but not an IP address. Then, after several minutes it leaves network. Below is my code for the wifi setup:
Furthermore when I try to connect with my android phone, it's unable to connect at all and I am getting 'Can't get IP address' error. Any one knows what's causing this?
I've been using the ESP32 WIFI in SoftAP mode. After some tests I am observing certain clients randomly disconnects and won't be able to connect anymore. Below is a debug when this event occurs:
Code: Select all
I (1683272) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID = 2, bss_flags is 131121, bss:0x3ffcaf9c
I (1683272) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1683272) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID=2
I (1693232) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1693242) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2, b, 20
I (1693292) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2
I (1703222) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID = 2, bss_flags is 131121, bss:0x3ffcaf9c
I (1703222) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1703222) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID=2
I (1713222) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1713222) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2, b, 20
I (1713272) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2
I (1723212) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID = 2, bss_flags is 131121, bss:0x3ffcaf9c
I (1723212) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1723212) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID=2
I (1733372) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1733372) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2, b, 20
I (1733422) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2
I (1743252) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID = 2, bss_flags is 131121, bss:0x3ffcaf9c
I (1743252) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1743252) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID=2
I (1753352) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1753352) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2, b, 20
I (1753402) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2
I (1773202) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID = 2, bss_flags is 131121, bss:0x3ffcaf9c
I (1773202) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1773202) WIFI_SOFT_AP: station 00:12:9f:00:97:77 leave, AID=2
I (1783452) wifi: new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<255,255>, prof:1
I (1783452) wifi: station: 00:12:9f:00:97:77 join, AID=2, b, 20
Code: Select all
static void wifi_event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base,
int32_t event_id, void* event_data)
wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t* event = (wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t*) event_data;
ESP_LOGI(WIFI_TAG, "station "MACSTR" join, AID=%d",
MAC2STR(event->mac), event->aid);
} else if (event_id == WIFI_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED) {
wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t* event = (wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t*) event_data;
ESP_LOGI(WIFI_TAG, "station "MACSTR" leave, AID=%d",
MAC2STR(event->mac), event->aid);
void wifi_init_softap(void)
esp_netif_t* wifiAP = esp_netif_create_default_wifi_ap();
esp_netif_ip_info_t ipInfo;
IP4_ADDR(&ipInfo.ip, 192,168,2,1);
IP4_ADDR(&, 192,168,2,1);
IP4_ADDR(&ipInfo.netmask, 255,255,255,0);
esp_netif_set_ip_info(wifiAP, &ipInfo);
wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(WIFI_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &wifi_event_handler, NULL));
wifi_config_t wifi_config = {
.ap = {
.ssid_len = strlen(EXAMPLE_ESP_WIFI_SSID),
.max_connection = EXAMPLE_MAX_STA_CONN,
.authmode = WIFI_AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK
if (strlen(EXAMPLE_ESP_WIFI_PASS) == 0) {
wifi_config.ap.authmode = WIFI_AUTH_OPEN;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_set_config(ESP_IF_WIFI_AP, &wifi_config));
ESP_LOGI(WIFI_TAG, "wifi_init_softap finished. SSID:%s password:%s",