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Development boards: current consumption during Deep Sleep

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:08 pm
by borelg

I am currently working on a project that needs to run on a battery for long time.
Some sort of data-logger for vibrations.

I intend to keep in deep sleep the main core of the ESP32 and wake it up with the help of ULP co-processor from time to time when a change in the magnetic field is detected as explained in these posts:

In order to ensure the duration of the battery I am currently measuring the current consumed by the following board that I am using: ... v1.0.0.pdf
(By the way, this board has been recently discontinued).

I am supplying the 3.3V directly to the 3.3v pin, but I am measuring a consumption of 2.6mA !!!
Apparently this consumption is due to the presence of the CP2104 that is directly connected to the 3.3V line that I am supplying.
I found also this review of several development board that is highlighting the same problem with CP2104:

I wonder if you are aware of any ESP32 development board that is really consuming nothing if I am directly supplying the 3.3V line from the extern.

Thank you :)