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ESP_IDF Jumpstart, BLE Provisioning - detect Client connection

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:44 am
by plusorc

I recently worked with the jumpstart project of ESP-IDF
Everything is working great actually .

Now the problem is I have to detect when a client is connected (a mobile phone in this case),
before it sends credentials to provision the wifi.

As far as I understand , this should be reported in the update_connection_param event ?
but how to Get this info while using the wifi_prov_mgr ?

in summary : I need to catch the event of a client connected/connecting while still using the wifi_prov_mgr in the Jumpstart project .

I know the GATT_Server_Demo example , the point is .. Espressif's WIFI_PROV_MGR makes a setup that is
compatible with Espressif IOS/Android apps for provisioning .. and I need those to keep working