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BLE GATT server undiscoveryable when WiFi fail

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:07 am
by huybk213
Hi everyone.

My project has wifi and ble gatt server coexist.
I'm able to run program with BLE and WiFi Simultaneously.
I'm able to provide WiFi SSID and Password via ble gatt server, and ESP32 successful connect to AP.
But when i'm trying to config wrong SSID - wrong password, but when esp32 trying to connect to AP, BLE server not working anymore.
My mobile phone cannot see ble device.

Please help me to figure out why that problem happen.
Thank you so much

Re: BLE GATT server undiscoveryable when WiFi fail

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:53 am
by huybk213
In event WIFI_STA_START, i,m try to connect to AP by calling func esp_wifi_connect ( with wrong SSID and password ).
Then BLE service is no more running.