ESP32-C3 booting straight into deep sleep instead of normal mode

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ESP32-C3 booting straight into deep sleep instead of normal mode

Postby usmanmehmood55 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:43 am

I'm trying to make an ultra low-power passive sensor with the ESP32-C3. Getting it into deep sleep brings the current down to about 7uA. However, when the ESP resets, or boots, there is a massive 90mA spike that will most definitely make quick work of the poor CR2032 coin cell. I have a few ceramic capacitors (~250uF) connected to the 3V3 rail right next to the ESP32, as well as a 1500uF electrolytic capacitor near the power source. But they make little difference, especially the 1500uF cap.

The ESP is programmed to go into deep sleep right after it is done with setup, however, this still makes a 200 milliseconds spike of around 90 mA current.

Is it possible to boot straight into deep sleep, or even light sleep? I am using the latest version of ESP-IDF, and an ESP32-C3.

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Re: ESP32-C3 booting straight into deep sleep instead of normal mode

Postby WiFive » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:47 pm

You could use a wake stub or custom bootloader

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