IDF v4.x - SD card in SPI mode with non-default SPI data GPIOs: deprecated functions in IDF

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IDF v4.x - SD card in SPI mode with non-default SPI data GPIOs: deprecated functions in IDF

Postby levente » Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:07 pm


as migration from IDF v3.x to IDF 4.3.1 was done, we noticed that APIs that allowed mounting the SD card such that non-default SPI GPIOs could be specified are marked as 'deprecated' in new esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount() API. The new esp_vfs_fat_sdspi_mount() API has arguments that no longer allow specifying the GPIO pins that old API allowed (except a few for card presence interrupt etc., but not MOSI, MISO etc. pins).

Would it be possible to find out whether functions like init_sdspi_host_deprecated() called by esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount would be fully removed in future?

Yes, using different pins have speed impact, but with existing HW the removal of such APIs and config structure fields would mean that one would have to monstrously hack the libraries to use non-default SPI GPIOs...

Thanks in advance for thoughts on this.

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