Trying to get my head around Espressif SDK for ESP32...

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Trying to get my head around Espressif SDK for ESP32...

Postby e-music » Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:47 pm

Hello everyone!

I started with an ESP8266 few months ago and I've been able to build certain projects that involve most of the popular libs/stacks. I used PlatformIO with Arduino Platform. At the beginning, I had no idea what Arduino is and since I'm coming from a pure embedded C environment, I was allergic to C++ syntax, classes, OOP, etc. However, it was very easy and straightforward to achieve a decent result with the Arduino platform in almost no time.

I have got an ESP32-based board (LyraT 4.3) and I thought moving to the C-style SDK by espressif is going to be a breeze for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't the case. Although I'm very familiar with FreeRTOS and I've built certain projects around it, things look very different for me when it comes to the Espressif environment. For example, I don't see where tasks are being created and where scheduler starts. Even in simple examples like the "Blink Example", I don't see where in the blink.c source file the FreeRTOS is being referenced? vTaskDelay() is used to add delay using the FreeRTOS port, but where the task was created and allocated memory for its stack? And for more advanced examples like MP3 decoding, web-sockets, HTTP server, where and how do you suggest adding my own tasks?


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