Core dump generation: module logging level

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Core dump generation: module logging level

Postby kolban » Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:21 pm

In the latest release of the ESP-IDF (as of the date of this post), I see an option for the Core dump generation called "Core dump module logging level". When I first read this I thought it was an ability to control the content of the core dump data generated. Unfortunately there is little documentation on this option other than saying it is a value between 0 and 5. As I played with different value settings, it seemed that the length of data being produced in the core dump output was the same size. I then noticed that the diagnostic messages written in support of dumping the core were more verbose when I was at level 5 than the default of level 1. It then dawned on me that this option might be controlling the logging level of the ESP_LOG functions performing the core dump itself.

Is that the case?

If so, would it be possible to hear the thinking behind it? I'm sure not saying its wrong but I found myself surprised that the control of debug level of the core dumping modules own operation was being explicitly exposed as a configuration property above and beyond the logging levels set either by the application or by the ESP-IDF as a whole.
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