Ping from ESP32

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby bobo1974 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:20 am

Ok, I ended up solving this rookie mistake.
Had to do with my local implementation of the source files with the arduino ide that I am using.
I found out the real directory that was used, included the file properly and it worked.

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby thobias » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:22 pm

I'm trying to use ping API of ESP8266_RTOS_SDK but there is a problem with ping_init() function, i'm including two libs ping.h and esp_ping.h. The functions of esp_ping are working fine, but the linker do not recognize ping_init of ping.h calling: " undefined reference to `ping_init' " when i try to make the project.

Someone could help me?

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby fruityTomatoe » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:45 am

thobias wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:22 pm
I'm trying to use ping API of ESP8266_RTOS_SDK but there is a problem with ping_init() function, i'm including two libs ping.h and esp_ping.h. The functions of esp_ping are working fine, but the linker do not recognize ping_init of ping.h calling: " undefined reference to `ping_init' " when i try to make the project.

Someone could help me?
I am also seeing the undefined reference to `ping_init' " issue. Did you have a solution?

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby mz_autec » Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:46 am

try to include "ping/ping.h".
The ping.h path is not in the compiler paths configuration.


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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby nopnop2002 » Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:43 am

Finally I succeeded in pinging using ESP-IDE.
It is published here.

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby glrtheil » Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:13 pm

Frustrating how esp-idf examples are so overcomplicated. Examples provided in this thread from years ago do not work, as ping_init() is deprecated. Here's a nice simple method to ping with latest IDF, and utilizing the overcomplicated example from the idf documentation here: ... _echo.html

Don't forget to connect to wifi/ethernet FIRST!

Code: Select all

static void on_ping_success(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args)
    // optionally, get callback arguments
    // const char* str = (const char*) args;
    // printf("%s\r\n", str); // "foo"
    uint8_t ttl;
    uint16_t seqno;
    uint32_t elapsed_time, recv_len;
    ip_addr_t target_addr;
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO, &seqno, sizeof(seqno));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR, &target_addr, sizeof(target_addr));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SIZE, &recv_len, sizeof(recv_len));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_TIMEGAP, &elapsed_time, sizeof(elapsed_time));
    printf("%d bytes from %s icmp_seq=%d ttl=%d time=%d ms\n",
           recv_len, inet_ntoa(target_addr.u_addr.ip4), seqno, ttl, elapsed_time);
    ESP_LOGW("pingSuccess", "");

static void on_ping_timeout(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args)
    uint16_t seqno;
    ip_addr_t target_addr;
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO, &seqno, sizeof(seqno));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR, &target_addr, sizeof(target_addr));
    printf("From %s icmp_seq=%d timeout\n", inet_ntoa(target_addr.u_addr.ip4), seqno);
    ESP_LOGW("pingTimeout", "");

static void test_on_ping_end(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args)
    uint32_t transmitted;
    uint32_t received;
    uint32_t total_time_ms;

    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_REQUEST, &transmitted, sizeof(transmitted));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_REPLY, &received, sizeof(received));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_DURATION, &total_time_ms, sizeof(total_time_ms));
    printf("%d packets transmitted, %d received, time %dms\n", transmitted, received, total_time_ms);

void app_main(void)
    ip4_addr_t gw;
    gw.addr = ipaddr_addr("");
    esp_ping_config_t ping_config = ESP_PING_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
    ip_addr_t ping_target;
    ping_target.u_addr.ip4 = gw;
    ping_config.target_addr = ping_target;
    ping_config.count = 5;
    ping_config.interval_ms = 5000;
    ping_config.timeout_ms = 1000;

    /* set callback functions */
    esp_ping_callbacks_t cbs;
    cbs.on_ping_success = on_ping_success;
    cbs.on_ping_timeout = on_ping_timeout;
    cbs.on_ping_end = on_ping_end;
    //cbs.cb_args = "foo"; // arguments that will feed to all callback functions, can be NULL
    //cbs.cb_args = eth_event_group;

    esp_ping_handle_t ping;
    esp_ping_new_session(&ping_config, &cbs, &ping);

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby maddogmaycry » Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:26 pm

Code: Select all

#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "lwip/sockets.h"
#include "lwip/sys.h"
#include <lwip/netdb.h>
#include "lwip/api.h"
#include "ping/ping_sock.h"

static void test_on_ping_success(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args){
    // optionally, get callback arguments
    // const char* str = (const char*) args;
    // printf("%s\r\n", str); // "foo"
    uint8_t ttl;
    uint16_t seqno;
    uint32_t elapsed_time, recv_len;
    ip_addr_t target_addr;
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO, &seqno, sizeof(seqno));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR, &target_addr, sizeof(target_addr));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SIZE, &recv_len, sizeof(recv_len));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_TIMEGAP, &elapsed_time, sizeof(elapsed_time));
    printf("%d bytes from %s icmp_seq=%d ttl=%d time=%d ms\n",
           recv_len, inet_ntoa(target_addr.u_addr.ip4), seqno, ttl, elapsed_time);

static void test_on_ping_timeout(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args){
    uint16_t seqno;
    ip_addr_t target_addr;
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO, &seqno, sizeof(seqno));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR, &target_addr, sizeof(target_addr));
    printf("From %s icmp_seq=%d timeout\n", inet_ntoa(target_addr.u_addr.ip4), seqno);

static void test_on_ping_end(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args){
    uint32_t transmitted;
    uint32_t received;
    uint32_t total_time_ms;

    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_REQUEST, &transmitted, sizeof(transmitted));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_REPLY, &received, sizeof(received));
    esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_DURATION, &total_time_ms, sizeof(total_time_ms));
    printf("%d packets transmitted, %d received, time %dms\n", transmitted, received, total_time_ms);

void ping(const char * host){
    ip_addr_t target_addr;
    struct hostent *he;
    he = netconn_gethostbyname(host, &target_addr);
    if(he == 0){
        esp_ping_config_t ping_config = {
            .interval_ms = 1000,
            .timeout_ms = 1000,
            .data_size = 64,
            .tos = 0,
            .task_stack_size = 2048,
            .task_prio = 2,
            .interface = 0,
            .target_addr = target_addr,
            .count = 5

        esp_ping_callbacks_t cbs;
        cbs.on_ping_success = test_on_ping_success;
        cbs.on_ping_timeout = test_on_ping_timeout;
        cbs.on_ping_end = test_on_ping_end;
        cbs.cb_args = "foo";

        esp_ping_handle_t ping;
        esp_ping_new_session(&ping_config, &cbs, &ping);

Code: Select all

//If dns server not response ping newer been happend
//Ping regular ip v4 ip
//If you want ip4_addr_t struct, then convert it to char[]
const char * ip = (char*)ip4addr_ntoa(&ip_info->ip);

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Re: Ping from ESP32

Postby sara_patel » Fri Apr 28, 2023 6:03 am

Hi can u provide a code for sending ping on all interfaces?
I tried adding interface index but that gives be error on Ping handle being NUll

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