Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby willz1200 » Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:09 am

I've used your printercart_simple example as a starting point for the i2s parallel driver. For my case I need to output at 10 MHz I've managed to reach this speed using a single buffer and no EOF interrupts, but I'd like to implement continuous transmission. I now have a circular DMA link with 4 buffers and EOF interrupts working but it outputs garbage when clocked above 3.33 MHz. I'm using dummy data in a queue to block the main loop on core 1 until a buffer is free to fill, when a EOF interrupt occurs on core 0 the dummy data is removed from the queue allowing the main loop to run refilling the buffer. I'm currently just using it to count from 0 - 65535 to check its working correctly.

How can I get this to clock faster without breaking?

Would it be more effective to use many small buffers or a couple of large buffers?

Would it be better for the interrupt to give the main loop a semaphone which then allows the main loop to update the buffer?

The code can be found below or on github...


Code: Select all

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "queued_i2s_parallel.h"

//Queue for dummy data used to block main loop when all buffers are full
QueueHandle_t main_data_queue;

#define bufferFrameSize 1024 //Number of 16-bit samples per buffer
#define bufferMemorySize (bufferFrameSize*2) //Becuase 2 bytes to store each 16-bit sample

//#define showDebugPulse

uint16_t *bufferToFill; //Pointer to buffer that is next to be filled

//This gets called from the I2S interrupt. (This only removes dummy data from queue to unblock main loop)
void IRAM_ATTR buffer_filler_fn(void *buf, int len, void *arg) {
	QueueHandle_t queueHanle=(QueueHandle_t)arg;
	portBASE_TYPE high_priority_task_awoken = 0;
	uint8_t dummy[1];

	//Check if theres a dummy byte in the queue, indecating the main loop has updated the buffer, if not set to 0
	if (xQueueReceiveFromISR(queueHanle, (void*)&dummy, &high_priority_task_awoken)==pdFALSE) {
		memset(buf, 0, bufferFrameSize*2); //Nothing in queue. Zero out data

	//Wake thread blocking the queue
	if (high_priority_task_awoken == pdTRUE) { //Check if a context switch needs to be requested

void main_init() {
	//Create data queue
	main_data_queue=xQueueCreate(1, 1);//bufferFrameSize*2
	//Initialize I2S parallel device.
	i2s_parallel_config_t i2scfg={
		.gpio_bus={2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 
		#ifdef showDebugPulse
		-1, -1
		25, 26
		.clkspeed_hz=3333333, //3.33 MHz
		.refill_cb=buffer_filler_fn, //Function Called by I2S interrupt
		.refill_cb_arg=main_data_queue //Queue pointer
	i2s_parallel_setup(&I2S1, &i2scfg);

void writeSample(uint16_t *buf, uint16_t data, uint16_t pos){

void mainloop(void *arg) {
	while(1) {
		uint8_t dummy[1];
		for (uint16_t i=0;i<=0xFFFF;i++){
			//Send the data to the queue becuase we've filled the buffer
			if (i%bufferFrameSize == 0){
				#ifdef showDebugPulse
				gpio_set_level(25, 1);
				gpio_set_level(25, 0);
				xQueueSend(main_data_queue, dummy, portMAX_DELAY); //Blocked when queue is full
			//Fill the buffer here
		 	if (bufferToFill!=NULL){
		 		writeSample(bufferToFill, i, i%bufferFrameSize);

int app_main(void) {
	#ifdef showDebugPulse
	gpio_set_direction(25, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
	gpio_set_direction(26, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);


	xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(mainloop, "mainloop", 1024*16, NULL, 7, NULL, 1); //Use core 1 for main loop, I2S interrupt on core 0

	return 0;

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "soc/i2s_struct.h"
#include "soc/i2s_reg.h"
#include "driver/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "soc/io_mux_reg.h"
#include "rom/lldesc.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "queued_i2s_parallel.h"
#include "esp_attr.h"

typedef struct {
	volatile lldesc_t *dmadesc_a, *dmadesc_b, *dmadesc_c, *dmadesc_d;
	int desccount_a, desccount_b, desccount_c, desccount_d;
	i2s_parallel_refill_buffer_cb_t refill_cb;
	void *refill_cb_arg;
	int bufsz;
} i2s_parallel_state_t;

static i2s_parallel_state_t *i2s_state[2]={NULL, NULL};

static void i2s_int_hdl(void *arg);

#define DMA_MAX (4096-4)

//Calculate the amount of dma descs needed for a certain memory size, becasue DMA buffer is only 4096-4 bytes
static int calc_needed_dma_descs_for(int memsize) {
	return (memsize+DMA_MAX-1)/DMA_MAX;

//Fill in the data structures for previously allocated DMA descriptors so they cover all
//memory that is passed as the buffer descriptors.
static int fill_dma_desc(volatile lldesc_t *dmadesc, void *memory, int size) {
	int n=0;
	int len=size;
	uint8_t *data=((uint8_t*)memory);
	while(len) {
		int dmalen=len;
		if (dmalen>DMA_MAX) dmalen=DMA_MAX;
	return n;

//Generic routine to set a GPIO to an I2S signal
static void gpio_setup_out(int gpio, int sig) {
	if (gpio==-1) return;
	gpio_set_direction(gpio, GPIO_MODE_DEF_OUTPUT);
	gpio_matrix_out(gpio, sig, false, false);

static void dma_reset(volatile i2s_dev_t *dev) {
	dev->lc_conf.in_rst=1; dev->lc_conf.in_rst=0;
	dev->lc_conf.out_rst=1; dev->lc_conf.out_rst=0;

static void fifo_reset(volatile i2s_dev_t *dev) {
	dev->conf.rx_fifo_reset=1; dev->conf.rx_fifo_reset=0;
	dev->conf.tx_fifo_reset=1; dev->conf.tx_fifo_reset=0;

static int i2snum(volatile i2s_dev_t *dev) {
	return (dev==&I2S0)?0:1;

void i2s_parallel_setup(volatile i2s_dev_t *dev, const i2s_parallel_config_t *cfg) {
	printf("Setting up parallel I2S bus at I2S%d\n", i2snum(dev));
	int sig_data_base;

	//Power on peripheral
	if (dev==&I2S0) {
	} else {

	//Route the signals from the selected I2S bus to the GPIOs
	if (dev==&I2S0) {
	} else {
		if (cfg->bits==I2S_PARALLEL_BITS_32) {
		} else {
			//Because of... reasons... the 16-bit values for i2s1 appear on d8...d23
	for (int x=0; x<cfg->bits; x++) {
		gpio_setup_out(cfg->gpio_bus[x], sig_data_base+x);
	//Initialize I2S dev
	dev->conf.rx_reset=1; dev->conf.tx_reset=1;
	dev->conf.rx_reset=0; dev->conf.tx_reset=0;
	//Enable LCD mode (=parallel output mode)
	dev->sample_rate_conf.rx_bits_mod=cfg->bits; //don't really matter
	dev->sample_rate_conf.rx_bck_div_num=40000000/cfg->clkspeed_hz;  //Divider. 40MHz/x
	//We ignore the possibility for fractional division here.
	dev->fifo_conf.rx_data_num=32; //Thresholds. 
	//Invert ws to be active-low... ToDo: make this configurable
	//Allocate memory
	void *mema=heap_caps_malloc(cfg->bufsz, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	void *memb=heap_caps_malloc(cfg->bufsz, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	void *memc=heap_caps_malloc(cfg->bufsz, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	void *memd=heap_caps_malloc(cfg->bufsz, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	memset(mema, 0, cfg->bufsz);
	memset(memb, 0, cfg->bufsz);
	memset(memc, 0, cfg->bufsz);
	memset(memd, 0, cfg->bufsz);

	//Allocate DMA descriptors
	i2s_parallel_state_t *st=i2s_state[i2snum(dev)];

	//Calculate how many descriptors are needed for each buffer

	//Allocate the memory for each buffer
	st->dmadesc_a=heap_caps_malloc(st->desccount_a*sizeof(lldesc_t), MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	st->dmadesc_b=heap_caps_malloc(st->desccount_b*sizeof(lldesc_t), MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	st->dmadesc_c=heap_caps_malloc(st->desccount_c*sizeof(lldesc_t), MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	st->dmadesc_d=heap_caps_malloc(st->desccount_d*sizeof(lldesc_t), MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	//and fill them
	int cta=fill_dma_desc(st->dmadesc_a, mema, cfg->bufsz); //returns number of DMA descriptors
	int ctb=fill_dma_desc(st->dmadesc_b, memb, cfg->bufsz);
	int ctc=fill_dma_desc(st->dmadesc_c, memc, cfg->bufsz);
	int ctd=fill_dma_desc(st->dmadesc_d, memd, cfg->bufsz);

	//Make last dma desc generate EOF and link back to first of other buffer

	//Set the buffer to move to next (make sure a loop is formed here)

	//Set int handler
	esp_intr_alloc(ETS_I2S0_INTR_SOURCE + i2snum(dev), 0, i2s_int_hdl, (void*)dev, NULL);

	//Save buffer fill callback
	st->refill_cb=cfg->refill_cb; //Callback function called when ISR fires
	st->refill_cb_arg=cfg->refill_cb_arg; //Queue pointer
	st->bufsz=cfg->bufsz; //Size of each buffer 

	//Note: call i2s_parallel_start to start transmission.

//ISR handler. Call callback to refill buffer that was just finished.
static void IRAM_ATTR i2s_int_hdl(void *arg) {
	volatile i2s_dev_t* dev = arg;
	#ifdef showDebugPulse
	gpio_set_level(26, 1);
    gpio_set_level(26, 0);
	int devno=i2snum(dev);
	if (dev->int_st.out_eof) {
	dev->int_clr.val = dev->int_st.val; //Clear the interrupt???
		lldesc_t *finish_desc = (lldesc_t*)dev->out_eof_des_addr; //Get the address of the buffer that is ready to be filled
		bufferToFill = (uint16_t*)finish_desc->buf;
		i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb((void*)finish_desc->buf, i2s_state[devno]->bufsz, i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb_arg); //(void *buff, int len, void *arg)

void i2s_parallel_start(volatile i2s_dev_t *dev) {
	int devno=i2snum(dev);
	//Prefill buffers using callback.
	i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb((void*)i2s_state[devno]->dmadesc_a[0].buf, i2s_state[devno]->bufsz, i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb_arg);
	i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb((void*)i2s_state[devno]->dmadesc_b[0].buf, i2s_state[devno]->bufsz, i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb_arg);
	i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb((void*)i2s_state[devno]->dmadesc_c[0].buf, i2s_state[devno]->bufsz, i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb_arg);
	i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb((void*)i2s_state[devno]->dmadesc_d[0].buf, i2s_state[devno]->bufsz, i2s_state[devno]->refill_cb_arg);

   //Reset FIFO/DMA -> needed? Doesn't dma_reset/fifo_reset do this?
	dma_reset(dev); fifo_reset(dev);
	dev->lc_conf.in_rst=1; dev->lc_conf.out_rst=1; dev->lc_conf.ahbm_rst=1; dev->lc_conf.ahbm_fifo_rst=1;
	dev->lc_conf.in_rst=0; dev->lc_conf.out_rst=0; dev->lc_conf.ahbm_rst=0; dev->lc_conf.ahbm_fifo_rst=0;
	dev->conf.tx_reset=1; dev->conf.tx_fifo_reset=1; dev->conf.rx_fifo_reset=1;
	dev->conf.tx_reset=0; dev->conf.tx_fifo_reset=0; dev->conf.rx_fifo_reset=0;

	dev->conf.rx_reset=1; dev->conf.tx_reset=1;
	dev->conf.rx_reset=0; dev->conf.tx_reset=0;

	dev->int_ena.out_eof = 1; //Enable the EOF Interrupt

Code: Select all

#include <stdint.h>
#include "soc/i2s_struct.h"

#pragma once

//#define showDebugPulse

typedef void (*i2s_parallel_refill_buffer_cb_t)(void *buff, int len, void *arg);

extern uint16_t *bufferToFill;

//Amount of bits for I2S port. Note: anything but 16-bit is untested.
typedef enum {
} i2s_parallel_cfg_bits_t;

//Configuration struct for i2s_parallel_setup.
typedef struct {
	int gpio_bus[24];							//GPIO-pins to connect the parallel bus to. Note: use a value of -1 for not-used pins
	int clkspeed_hz;							//Clockspeed, in hertz
	i2s_parallel_cfg_bits_t bits;				//Width of the parallel output bus
	int bufsz;									//Buffer size of each of the two buffers, in bytes
	i2s_parallel_refill_buffer_cb_t refill_cb;	//Callback to refill a buffer that's just been sent
	void *refill_cb_arg;						//Argument for the callback
} i2s_parallel_config_t;

//Setup an i2s parallel bus
void i2s_parallel_setup(i2s_dev_t *dev, const i2s_parallel_config_t *cfg);

//Start sending out data
void i2s_parallel_start(i2s_dev_t *dev);
Here are the outputs...

Running at 3.33 MHz, Looks perfect can clearly see counting from 0 - 65535:
parallel_3-33MHz.png (86.48 KiB) Viewed 11614 times
Running at 4 MHz, Starting to break at the start of some buffers but counting is still visible:
parallel_4-00MHz.png (63.94 KiB) Viewed 11614 times
Running at 10 MHz, Complete Garbage but some counting patterns can be seen:
parallel_10-00MHz.png (130.88 KiB) Viewed 11614 times
Thanks for the help :D

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby ESP_Sprite » Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:43 am

That is... interesting code. If you want performance, I'd suggest having a queue to actually push empty buffers into: as soon as the I2S callback triggers, you push the pointer to the buffer that needs to be filled into the queue. The main loop then tries to read from the queue (and blocks on it, obviously) and as soon as it gets a pointer, it tries to refill that buffer ASAP, before the I2S hardware picks it up again. That way, you can also have the queue have a depth longer than 1, allowing you to be robust against latency spikes.

(Also, an 1-position queue that you fill with dummy data effectively is the same as a semaphore.)

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby willz1200 » Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:46 am

I've now made the program load the address of available buffers into a queue, I've used a 3 position queue as I have 4 buffers.
The program works at 4 MHz when each buffer is only 2048 Bytes, but when each buffer is 4092 Bytes at 4 MHz it begins to glitch. Anything above 4 MHz begins to glitch regardless of buffer size.
Can you see any optimisations that might let me achieve 10 MHz? (is the only option to switch from 160 MHz to 240 MHz CPU clock speed?)

The interrupt now puts the address obtained from dev->out_eof_des_addr into the queue

Code: Select all

//This gets called from the I2S interrupt. (Queues the next buffer to be filled)
void IRAM_ATTR buffer_filler_fn(void *buf, int len, void *arg) {
	QueueHandle_t queueHanle=(QueueHandle_t)arg;
	portBASE_TYPE high_priority_task_awoken = 0;
	uint16_t *addrHolder;

	//All buffers are empty (underflow).
	if (xQueueIsQueueFullFromISR(queueHanle)) {
		xQueueReceiveFromISR(queueHanle, &addrHolder, &high_priority_task_awoken);
		memset(addrHolder, 0, bufferMemorySize);
	xQueueSendFromISR(queueHanle, &buf, &high_priority_task_awoken);

	//Wake thread blocking the queue
	if (high_priority_task_awoken == pdTRUE) { //Check if a context switch needs to be requested
The main loop now loads a buffer address from the 3 position queue

Code: Select all

void mainloop(void *arg) {
	uint16_t *bufferToFill; //Pointer to buffer that is next to be filled

	while(1) {
		for (uint16_t i=0;i<=0xFFFF;i++){
			//Send the data to the queue becuase we've filled the buffer
			if (i%bufferFrameSize == 0){
				#ifdef showDebugPulse
				gpio_set_level(25, 1);
				gpio_set_level(25, 0);
				xQueueReceive(main_data_queue, &bufferToFill, portMAX_DELAY); //portMAX_DELAY will cause the task to block indefinitely, until queue contains item.
			if (bufferToFill != NULL){
				writeSample(bufferToFill, i, i%bufferFrameSize);
I would like to experiment with a bigger buffer size but I get the following error whenever I increase the buffer size past 4092 bytes. I don't understand why this is happening becasue the I2S driver calculates how many DMA descriptors are needed to achieve the buffer size, meaning the dma hardware buffer limit shouldn't matter. I've also checked its not caused by a limited stack size allocated by xTaskCreatePinnedToCore by changing it to 1024*64, which still gives me the error below. The I2S driver code is pretty much the same as the previous post.

Code: Select all

Setting up parallel I2S bus at I2S1
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (InstrFetchProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x30143015  PS      : 0x00060031  A0      : 0x40082054  A1      : 0x3ffb0a80  
0x40082054: _xt_lowint1 at /home/william/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/xtensa_vectors.S:1105

A2      : 0x3ffba9c8  A3      : 0x00060023  A4      : 0x800d12d2  A5      : 0x40087430  
0x40087430: _frxt_int_enter at /home/william/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/portasm.S:119

A6      : 0x00000000  A7      : 0x4008270c  A8      : 0x80082652  A9      : 0x3ffbaa3c  
0x4008270c: _free_r at /home/william/esp/esp-idf/components/newlib/syscalls.c:41

A10     : 0x30403041  A11     : 0x30183019  A12     : 0x30163017  A13     : 0x3ffb5430  
A14     : 0x00000000  A15     : 0x3ffb5450  SAR     : 0x0000001d  EXCCAUSE: 0x00000014  
EXCVADDR: 0x30143014  LBEG    : 0x00000000  LEND    : 0x00000000  LCOUNT  : 0x00000000  
Core 0 was running in ISR context:
EPC1    : 0x30143015  EPC2    : 0x00000000  EPC3    : 0x00000000  EPC4    : 0x00000000

Backtrace: 0x30143015:0x3ffb0a80 0x40082051:0x3ffb0aa0 0x400e2f27:0x00000000
0x40082051: _xt_lowint1 at /home/william/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/xtensa_vectors.S:1105

0x400e2f27: esp_pm_impl_waiti at /home/william/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/pm_esp32.c:487


Also I thought I'd mention I managed to get your printcart check_waveform example to work, the crash was caused by the I2S parallel driver allocating pins 16 & 17 as outputs. On the ESP32-PICO-D4 these pins are used for the flash memory. :-)

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby ESP_Sprite » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:44 am

Interesting. I'd think this is a CPU speed issue, however increasing the DMA buffer should allow you to *increase* the speed in that case, as there's less overhead in the interrupts. Can you experiment with setting the CPU speed to 240MHz, seeing if that changes anything?

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby willz1200 » Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:47 am

Putting the CPU clock speed to 240 MHz has allowed me to output at 6.66 MHz when using two 2048 Byte buffers.

I haven't been able to try a buffer size above 4092 because of the crash error stated in my last post. I've isolated the issue down to a bad address being returned from the queue and stored in bufferToFill.

Commenting out the writeSample() call in the code below stops the crash when a buffer size above 4092 is used. I can't figure out why a bad address is being pulled from the queue, can you see why this is happening? the code can be found in my previous 2 posts.

Code: Select all

void mainloop(void *arg) {
	uint16_t *bufferToFill; //Pointer to buffer that is next to be filled

	while(1) {
		for (uint16_t i=0;i<=0xFFFF;i++){
			//Send the data to the queue becuase we've filled the buffer
			if (i%bufferFrameSize == 0){
				#ifdef showDebugPulse
				gpio_set_level(25, 1);
				gpio_set_level(25, 0);
				xQueueReceive(main_data_queue, &bufferToFill, portMAX_DELAY);
			if (bufferToFill != NULL){
				writeSample(bufferToFill, i, i%bufferFrameSize);
Yes I thought the overhead of handling the interrupt might be an issue, bigger buffers is hopefully the way to go.
Would it be possible to use both cores to refill the buffers?

Thanks for your suggestions so far :)

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby ESP_Sprite » Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:32 am

Fyi, according to the digital team:
For DMA, the more serious bus collision on internal memory, the lower speed. Without the bus collision, and if only i2s dma is working on the system:
1). only one dma channel (rx or tx) is enabled, parallel I2S could run up to 20MByte/s.
2). if two dma channel (rx or tx) is enabled, parallel I2S could run up to 10MByte/s.
Given you're using 2 bytes per sample, you're getting about 13MByte/sec , which is pretty close to the theoretical max.

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Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby willz1200 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:28 pm

Thanks for the maximum ratings I'll keep trying to improve my driver, but it looks like I'll have to use a bigger buffer and intermittently transmit data for now.

I have a few questions about EOF interrupts:
  1. Does out_eof_des_addr register contain the address of the descriptor that just finished and triggered the EOF interrupt?
  2. When the EOF interrupt is cleared with dev->int_clr.val = dev->int_st.val does this allow the DMA hardware to switch to stqe_next in the descriptor that triggered the EOF interrupt, because I noticed in the documentation when EOF=1 the outputting will stop, so does clearing the interrupt allow it to move on?
  3. I'm thinking of making my driver allocate different sized buffers and new sets of descriptors on the fly and free them once they've been output, that way I can have looping idle buffers when a value needs to be held for a long time, and data buffers to output 10MHz data for different amounts of time (using size of the buffer to set its duration). Do you think it would be possible to update the current buffers stqe_next in its last descriptor once a descriptor is allocated for the next buffer, while the current buffer is outputting but before its EOF interrupt is triggered, I'm thinking this is possible because the DMA driver won't move on to stqe_next until the interrupt is cleared?
Thank you.

The other day I came across this interesting VGA I2S Driver that uses a circular DMA buffer.

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Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am

Re: Parallel Out I2S with DMA Interrupts

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:45 am

No, an EOF stops the transfer all together; you'd need to manually restart the transfer after. Clearing the interrupt just, well, clears the interrupt. Yes, updating stqe_next will work, from what I recall.

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