Running MPU-9250 library example, stuck waiting for notification

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Running MPU-9250 library example, stuck waiting for notification

Postby turkeylegs » Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:28 pm

Hi y'all,

I've been working with the Devkit C and the Sparkfun MPU-9250 module. To get it to work, I've been using the following library:

So far I've managed to get the examples to work, by simply using the esp-idf-template, editing the makefile to include the libraries, and replacing main.c with the main.cpp from the example.

I've run into an issue when running the mpu_real example, where I'm not getting any data from the sensor. I threw some logs into the code and determined that it gets stuck at this line:

uint32_t notificationValue = ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);

I'm fairly new at this and I'm at a loss for why it's getting stuck here. Can any of you help me out and explain what's making this happen? Eclipse is also being iffy and telling me that the whole file is a syntax error but it builds fine...

Thanks in advance!

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