IDF version 5.2.1 and am using the ping example code with a couple changes for debugging and binding to network interfaces. It appears to work without errors, but results in no pings reaching the target computer or ping success/fail callbacks being called.
Code: Select all
Output from monitor:
I (20605) net_action: Sending Ping
I (20605) ping: Interface eth1
I (20605) ping: Interface eth0
I (20605) net: Ping Initiated. Host:, IP:
Code: Select all
Ping initialization code:
void send_ping(char *host)
// Get the interface keys
uint8_t eth_idx = 0;
esp_netif_t *ifscan = esp_netif_next(NULL);
while (ifscan != NULL && u8KeyIndex < 3) {
eth_idx = esp_netif_get_netif_impl_index(ifscan);
char *desc = esp_netif_get_desc(ifscan);
ESP_LOGI("ping","Interface %s",desc);
ifscan = esp_netif_next(ifscan);
/* convert URL to IP address */
ip_addr_t target_addr;
struct addrinfo hint;
struct addrinfo *res = NULL;
memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint));
memset(&target_addr, 0, sizeof(target_addr));
getaddrinfo(host, NULL, &hint, &res);
struct in_addr addr4 = ((struct sockaddr_in *) (res->ai_addr))->sin_addr;
inet_addr_to_ip4addr(ip_2_ip4(&target_addr), &addr4);
esp_ping_config_t ping_config = ESP_PING_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
ping_config.target_addr = target_addr; // target IP address
ping_config.count = 10; //ESP_PING_COUNT_INFINITE; // ping in infinite mode, esp_ping_stop can stop it
ping_config.interface = eth_idx;
/* set callback functions */
esp_ping_callbacks_t cbs;
cbs.on_ping_success = test_on_ping_success;
cbs.on_ping_timeout = test_on_ping_timeout;
cbs.on_ping_end = test_on_ping_end;
cbs.cb_args = "foo"; // arguments that feeds to all callback functions, can be NULL
//cbs.cb_args = eth_event_group;
esp_ping_handle_t ping;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_ping_new_session(&ping_config, &cbs, &ping));
ESP_LOGI("net","Ping Initiated. Host: %s, IP: %s",host, ip4addr_ntoa(&target_addr.u_addr.ip4));
I am successfully able to send broadcast messages (type 0x7000) and UDP packets to the same machine. Both IP addresses on my ESP32 board are pingable from the target host ( Something is stuck internally in the ESP32 ping code.