device to server websocket communcation

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device to server websocket communcation

Postby muzgog » Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:40 pm

Hey everyone, I have been working with the websocket aspect of the ESP and I am running into an issue. I have created an http server that performs various tasks, but the issue I am having is getting the html page to update without having to refresh it. Currenly i have created an html table on the server and an LVGL table on the device. When i click an element on the html table, it updates the device(such as changing the element from green to red, vise versa). Thus, my server to device works perfectly. Now I want to be able to click the element on the lvgl table and have the server update its html table. I've tried a couple ways but am not having any luck. The html changes its own element when i click on it using a javascript function called changeElement(rowID) (rowID being the row that was clicked). its very straightforward. the lvgl table changes its element using lvgl functions but mainly an eventHandler when a certain element is clicked. Again, everything works for the server to device but I cannot figure out how to get it to communicate from device to server. I can provide code snippits if requested, if anyone has any information or can point me in the right directly that would be greatly appreciated. Here is my websocket handler:

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static esp_err_t handle_ws_req_2(httpd_req_t *req) {
  if (req->method == HTTP_GET) {
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Handshake done 2, the new connection was opened");
    return ESP_OK;

  httpd_ws_frame_t ws_pkt;
  uint8_t *buf = NULL;
  memset(&ws_pkt, 0, sizeof(httpd_ws_frame_t));
  ws_pkt.type = HTTPD_WS_TYPE_TEXT;
  esp_err_t ret = httpd_ws_recv_frame(req, &ws_pkt, 0);
  if (ret != ESP_OK) {
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "httpd_ws_recv_frame failed to get frame len with %d", ret);
    return ret;

  if (ws_pkt.len) {
    buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(1, ws_pkt.len + 1);
    if (buf == NULL) {
      ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to calloc memory for buf");
      return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
    ws_pkt.payload = buf;
    ret = httpd_ws_recv_frame(req, &ws_pkt, ws_pkt.len);
    if (ret != ESP_OK) {
      ESP_LOGE(TAG, "httpd_ws_recv_frame failed to recv frame with %d", ret);
      return ret;
    buf[ws_pkt.len] = '\0';

    // Handle the received message
    char *message = (char *)buf;

      // Prepare the response message
      snprintf((char *)response_data, sizeof(response_data), "%s", "Success");

      httpd_ws_frame_t resp_pkt;
      memset(&resp_pkt, 0, sizeof(httpd_ws_frame_t));
      resp_pkt.type = HTTPD_WS_TYPE_TEXT;
      resp_pkt.len = strlen((char *)response_data);
      resp_pkt.payload = (uint8_t *)response_data;

      int sockfd = httpd_req_to_sockfd(req);
      ret = httpd_ws_send_frame_async(req->handle, sockfd, &resp_pkt);
      if (ret != ESP_OK) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "httpd_ws_send_frame failed to send frame with %d", ret);
        return ret;
      // Extract and store the rowId and newState
      int rowId;
      char newState[50];
      if (sscanf(message, "{\"rowId\":%d, \"newState\":\"%[^\"]\"}", &rowId, newState) != 2) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to extract rowId and newState from the received message");
        return ESP_FAIL;
      ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received rowId: %d, newState: %s", rowId, newState);

      // Perform the necessary operations based on the received message
      // ...

        // Flop the elements (red/green)
        if (!flopElement(bit_table, rowId)) {
            ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to flop elements");
            return ESP_FAIL;

        // Get the updated state of the elements
        const char *state = getElementState(bit_table, rowId);
        if (state == NULL) {
            ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to get elements state");
            return ESP_FAIL;

      ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received message: %s", message);

      // Prepare the response message
      snprintf((char *)response_data, sizeof(response_data), "%s", state);


  return ESP_OK;
and here is my lvgl table event handler:

Code: Select all

void tableEventHandler_2(lv_event_t * event)
    lv_obj_t* obj = lv_event_get_target(event);
    lv_table_t *table = (lv_table_t *)obj;
    lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(event);

    if(code == LV_EVENT_PRESSED)
        uint16_t row, col = 0;
        lv_table_get_selected_cell(obj, &row, &col);
        triggeredrow = row;
       // cout << row << endl;
       // cout << col << endl;
        const char* currentValue = lv_table_get_cell_value(obj, row, col);
       // cout << currentValue << endl;
        if (row <= 3000 && col <= 3000)

            uint16_t currentIndex = 0;
            uint16_t nextIndex = 0;

            for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(alarmDescriptions) / sizeof(alarmDescriptions[0]); i++)
                if (strcmp(currentValue, alarmDescriptions[i]) == 0)
                    currentIndex = i;

            if (currentIndex % 2 == 0) {
                nextIndex = currentIndex + 1;
            } else {
                nextIndex = currentIndex - 1;

            const char* nextValue = alarmDescriptions[nextIndex];
          //  cout << row << endl;
          //  cout << col << endl;
            lv_table_set_cell_value(obj, row, col, nextValue);

        tap_is_triggered = true;
        cout << "triggered Row" <<triggeredrow << endl;
            // Invoke the bit_table_handler to update the HTML table
       //   httpd_req_t *get_req = httpd_req_from_sockfd(httpd_ws_get_fd(req->handle));
       //     handle_ws_req_2(get_req);
      //  handle_ws_req_2(req);

            cout<< "row is past 3000, meaning it is probably 65535, thus an invalid input"<< endl;

       // sendMessage(rowId);


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