The error is not on the Bleak side as I have analysed the Bluetooth Wireshark logs and also asked the question on github page.
My question is that what could be wrong in my code which prevent writing from Linux laptop? As I have no clue right now what can be wrong. What is even more is that I can write to the characteristic via apps like nRF connect.
So Let me post the snipate of the code I have running on esp. In the gatt_callback() function I have following code to receive and send ble gatt values.
Code: Select all
//global scope
static uint8_t received_val;
//function scope
void *dest= &received_val;
if(ble_uuid_cmp(uuid, &gatt_server_rgb_red_characteristic_uuid.u) == 0)
if(ctxt->op == BLE_GATT_ACCESS_OP_READ_CHR){
rc = os_mbuf_append(ctxt->om, &rand_num, sizeof(rand_num));
return rc;
rc = ble_hs_mbuf_to_flat(ctxt->om, dest, sizeof received_val, NULL);
printf("Received %d", received_val);
r = received_val;
ESP_LOGI("TAG", "Write the char");
if (rc != 0)
What I tried so far?bleak.exc.BleakDBusError: [org.bluez.Error.Failed] Operation failed with ATT error: 0x0e (Unlikely Error)
Some of the suggestions on the internet is regarding to downgrade the Bluez package which I have tried. One more suggestion is to increase the maximum writable package(mtu) size but I think this may not be an issue as I can write gatt values via nrfconnect.
There is also arduino library for nibble which I just tried weather it works and it works in writing characteristic values, hence my best guess is that there is some issue in my esp-idf code itself.