Routing in soft AP mode using esp-idf

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Routing in soft AP mode using esp-idf

Postby kevinevans » Thu Aug 25, 2022 11:01 pm

I'm pretty new at using an ESP32, so please bare with me.

I have an ESP32 and I've been playing around with soft AP mode and connecting to my phone to it. I'd like to be able to connect to AP from my phone while simultaneously maintaining the cellular connection. I'm fairly sure this is somehow doable, as I've seen other "smart" products with similar behavior, but I don't know how it's implemented.

Right now using the soft ap example from the esp-idf repo, if I connect to the soft AP, all traffic is routed to the esp32. Is there a way that I can only accept traffic for

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Re: Routing in soft AP mode using esp-idf

Postby Alberk » Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:28 am


The smart routing has to be done on your phone because the phone assumes that the AP that you are connected to has access internet, so all outbound traffic is routed there.

Can you do the routing on the phone? I think so but is going to be a painful process if it ever is doable.

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