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Flash of ESP-WROOM-32D and ESP-WROOM-32U modules

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:41 am
by modtronix
Hello, I see the new ESP-WROOM-32D and ESP-WROOM-32U modules are available as:
ESP-WROOM-32D (4MB Default)
ESP-WROOM-32U (4MB Default)

Are the given MB values MBytes or MBits? I assume MBytes, which would mean the default modules have 4MBytes of flash = 32MBits. Can someone confirm this?

Re: Flash of ESP-WROOM-32D and ESP-WROOM-32U modules

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:29 am
by Pibbotley
The IEEE convention is uppercase B for bytes, lower case b for bits, so 4MB = 4M bytes = 32M bits